No bad days on the bike

Fence in the foreground, with a missile and bomber in the background and trees on the right hand side of the picture.

“We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jan. 17, 1961

I was on the service road out behind the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History when I got a text this morning about the Supreme Court decision.

I pulled up Scotusblog on my phone, read the headline.

“Oh shit,” I texted back.

And then I put the phone away and went back to pedaling my bicycle.

Grumpy John

I woke up grumpy this morning.

Maybe it was the wind, or the forest fires. Maybe it was the flow in the Rio Grande, collapsing, the fierce uncertainty of adapting to climate change.

Maybe it was the sinus headache that lurked all night at the edge of my dreams.

I rode to the end of the block and turned left instead of right. It’s an old trick I’ve been playing on myself for years when I need to clear my head – ride the unexpected. Instead of downhill toward the Rio Grande, I turned uphill, toward the foothills, only thinking a few blocks ahead, seeking out interesting.

It took a while for the drugs to kick in. (Not literal drugs, it’s metaphor.) I stayed grumpy at the broken crosswalk button at Mountain and Pennsylvania, the sprinklers watering the road and sending a stream down the gutter at Los Altos Golf Course, the locked gate between the golf course and the bike path. I hadn’t really wanted to go that way anyway. I was just trying to piss myself off.

“Fuck locked gates,” Grumpy John muttered to himself.

And then I looked at the map on my phone and realized that I’d never ridden the block of Garcia St. down from the golf course.

Bombs Away

Tan building with "Bombs Away" and a picture of a bomb stenciled on the sides.

Home of “Black Ops Lager”

A bike ride enforces a narrative structure – a beginning, middle, and end.

Across Central Avenue (old Route 66), I spotted a pub called “Bombs Away,” which has always amused me. It’s in what I now know, based on post-ride research, to be called “Albuquerque’s up-and-coming Skyline Heights district.”

I have never heard this neighborhood, which I’ve ridden through (checks GPS ride records) 43 times, called either “Skyline Heights” or “up-and-coming”. It’s one of the light industrial districts that ring the northeast edge of Kirtland Air Force Base. I love reading the signs in these neighborhoods, imagining the dreams housed in the noble little businesses inside. It’s where you’ll find Sam’s Paint and Body, and Roof Korean Custom Gunsmithing. (“Save who needs to be saved. Kill who needs to be killed.”)

Beyond “Skyline Heights,” the road opened out past the nuclear museum to the neighborhood Dwight Eisenhower was warning about more than six decades ago. The names puzzle, with the ring of consultants and focus groups and then more consultants to design the logos (“BlueHalo,” “Cyber Engineering Laboratory,” “RocketLab”). Where the buildings in “Skyline Heights” are rundown and honest, the military-industrial complex business park beyond is too manicured for its own good, like it’s trying to put something over on us.

The narrative structure now defined, I turned back to follow a favorite route back down toward home, through the atomic museum parking lot, past their replica of the shot tower beneath which hangs a replica of Fat Man, the first nuclear explosive, zigging and zagging through the neighborhoods bordering the Air Force base, past a muffler shop and “Tint Pros” and the incongruous doggie day care, because the military industrial complex includes doggies. (“Pet who needs to be petted.”)

Urban Riding

There’s always a turn toward home in the narrative structure of a ride, where the decision options narrow.

Urban riding requires a special focus – when to hop up on a sidewalk or take the lane, dodging (cheerfully, they have nowhere else to be) the tent camp spilling out of the park, slipping past the line at the Starbucks drive through, negotiating turn lanes filled with the urgency of people late for work. I love this part because of the focus demanded. It leaves no space for the Supreme Court. A meditative flow.

And then the narrative arc bends toward the increasingly familiar streets of my neighborhood, and home.

Grumpy John banished.

Works every time.


Gila River Indian Community proposal for post-2026 Colorado River Management

Given the apparently unproductive state-to-state negotiations over post-2026 management of the Colorado River, it’s worth examining, in our search for a path forward, some of the other proposals submitted to the Department of the Interior. (If you need some bedtime reading….)

One of the most interesting comes from the Gila River Indian Community. (Their March 29 letter to Reclamation lays it out.) Spanning the Gila River along the southern edge of Phoenix, the Gila River Indian Community has long done a masterful job of leveraging water in defense of its sovereignty – or maybe sovereignty in defense of its water?

This 2021 piece by Sharon Udasin does a great job of explaining the GRIC’s success:

A riverbed that has been parched since the end of the 19th century — a portion of the historic lifeblood of the Gila River Indian Community — is now coursing again with water, luring things like cattails and birds back to its shores.

“You add water and stuff just immediately starts coming back naturally. Birds have returned and it’s just such a different experience,” says Jason Hauter, an attorney and a Community member. “It’s amazing how much has returned.”

The water, the cattails, and the birds, are part of a complex legal tangle that led to the 2004 Arizona Water Settlements Act, which ensured Central Arizona Project water – Colorado River imports, pumped up into the Gila River Valley from the river’s main stem – to replace water stolen from the Gila River Indian Community by settlers a century before.

Access to that water has made the Community a power player in central Arizona water politics. But that water is now at risk as a result of efforts to cope with declining flows on the Colorado River. In particular, the Community views the Lower Basin States’ proposal for post-2026 river management as (my words, not theirs) an assault on their sovereignty. Here’s how they put it in their March letter to Reclamation:

Our initial analysis of the LB Alternative indicates that under their static reduction proposals, at a minimum, the Community’s Colorado River supplies that we are currently using would likely be reduced by 130,000 acre-feet, 42% of our entire Colorado River supply, even after Arizona’s firming obligations are met. These cuts
would become more draconian under both the LB Alternative and the UB Alternative when additional reductions beyond 1.5 million acre-feet are needed, which would be often based on our review of the various models we have seen.

Allocation of CAP water is crazy complicated, and I’m still trying to get my head around these details. But the Gila River Indian Community is essentially arguing that in the current proposal, which calls for cuts deep enough to eliminate the “structural deficit,” Arizona is essentially bargaining away the Community’s water.

So the Community has concerns with the Lower Basin proposal. But it has even greater concerns about the Upper Basin proposal, which argues that if even deeper cuts are needed, they should all fall on the Lower Basin.

The UB Alternative does not appear to us to present a reasonable or balanced approach at all, shifting all of the burden for addressing the current drought crisis onto the Lower Basin States.

The footnote to that paragraph is wonderful:

Reclamation has indicated that it will model any reasonable set of assumptions presented for consideration. The Community, for its part, does not view the UB Alternative as a reasonable set of assumptions, so the Community would understand and support Reclamation if it determined not to model the UB Alternative.

The Gila River Indian Community offers an alternative suggestion for managing Lower Basin cuts that’s super interesting. Rather than what the Lower Basin Proposal offers – essentially a negotiated who-cuts-what set of numbers based on talks among the three states – the Community suggests cuts across the Lower Basin proportionally, based on the calculation of evaporation and system losses (which we’re now supposed to shorten, apparently, as ESL):

We believe the United States has the authority to apply ESL to consumptive use in the Lower Basin in a proportional manner. It is our understanding that United States believes it has the authority to apply ESL to consumptive use in the Lower Basin on a proportional basis and, as such, we believe this should be modeled.

The Community’s letter includes a strong emphasis on the federal government’s trust responsibility to the basin’s 30 Tribal Sovereigns. The letter makes clear that the federal government has a legal obligation “to find alternative water supplies for tribes that will be negatively affected by the Post-2026 Operations.” As Gila River Indian Community Gov. Stephen Roe Lewis put it at this month’s Getches-Wilkinson conference in Boulder, “First peoples of this land should be the last to be cut.”

Lowest flows ever recorded on New Mexico’s Gila River

Graph showing declining flow on the Gila River

Lowest ever flows on New Mexico’s Gila River


Update 6/17/2022: Update: Based on a conversation with a friend familiar with the plumbing in and around the Gila gage, caution is in order pending a USGS recalibration, which we’re hoping for soon. Measuring flows this low is hard!

Thanks to a question from alert Inkstain reader S, I see that flows on the Gila River at the “Gila near Gila” gage seem to be the lowest they have ever been since the gage was installed in 1927.

Previous low flows, the only other time it seems to have dropped below 10 cfs, were in 2006.

(Note that this is the log scale version of the graph with the maximum and minimum lines, all of which you need to see these very low flow events.)

Water Flowing, Again, in the Colorado River Delta

Water flows down a concrete channel into a riverbed

With engineering help, water flowing into the Colorado River Delta. Photo courtesy Raise the River

Forgotten in all of the noise around the Colorado River right now is this moment of hope – water again flowing in the Colorado River Delta.

Under the 2017 agreement between the United States and Mexico known as Minute 323, we have 210,000 acre feet of water set aside for environmental flows through 2026 – one third provided by the United States, one third by Mexico, and one third by environmental NGOs – in the long-dry river channel through the Colorado River Delta.

Audubon’s Jennifer Pitt’s mention of the flow came during the last panel of last week’s Getches-Wilkinson Center annual Colorado River conference at the University of Colorado Law School. Managing the pulse flow to maximize environmental benefit requires, ironically, the same sort of engineering that on a much larger scale dried the delta river channel in the first place – routing water through an irrigation system to deliver it at the point of maximum environmental benefit, feeding a strip of riparian vegetation. That’s how we do environmental flows now.

It made me smile, remembering the joy of watching the pulse flow a decade ago, an event that was a pivot point in my life. It was a reminder that, amid sturm und drang of the current Colorado River, good stuff is possible.

Out of the shadows

Co-sponsored by the Water and Tribes Initiative, the conference again moved the role of the Colorado River Basin’s 30 sovereign Tribal Nations into the foreground, in particular celebrating the new water settlement among the Navajo, Hopi, Southern San Juan Paiute tribes, the state of Arizona, and the federal government. It’s a sweeping agreement that could, if it can cross the next hurdles before it, ensure water supplies for what one a member of my brain trust once described as the place of greatest water poverty in the nation.

“We refused to be in the shadows any longer,” Hopi Chairman Tim Nuvangyaoma said during a Friday morning session.

Lorelei Cloud, vice chair of the Southern Ute Tribal Council and a member of the Colorado Water Conservation Board, talked about the importance of normalizing tribal voices at the decision making table, which should have been obvious a century ago, but is increasingly a no-brainer today.

As the Colorado River community debates where and how cuts should be made to bring water use into line with a climate change-shrunken supply, “First peoples of this land should be the last to be cut,” Gila River Indian Community Gov. Stephen Roe Lewis said.

Still in the shadows

The shadowy ongoing discussions among the seven U.S. basin states got a brief airing in a panel of six of the seven states’ principals – the governors’ representatives in the ongoing negotiations. They appear as stuck as they’ve been since December’s CRWUA fireworks and the competing proposals of March.

I am sympathetic to the difficult position these people are in – political demands from the home crowd to fight for their water colliding with the reality that the water the homers want is simply not there in the quantity they would like. The result was a litany of “praise us for the conservation we’ve already done” without much clarity beyond everyone’s public negotiating positions: the Lower Basin’s “We own the structural deficit and if deeper cuts are needed they need to be shared,” and the Upper Basin’s “We already suffer cuts, it’s on the Lower Basin to cut deeper if needed.”

On its face that’s a conflict being readied for the Supreme Court, and I’ve begun to think seriously about what such a path might look like in practice. Everyone says they want to avoid this, yet seem powerless to prevent it. A friend noted the seeming powerlessness being voiced by the state officials, helpless to keep the bus they’re driving out of the ditch.

They’re like Howard the Duck, “Trapped in a world they never made.”

Back out of the shadows: A C-SPAN for Colorado River Basin water management talks?

My favorite question of the day came from an audience member asking whether there should be some sort of a C-SPAN-like public forum so we could all watch the discussions now conducted behind closed doors. There was a time not that long ago that I would have seen that as a terrible idea. The people involved need a safe space to explore the sort of compromises that would get them crucified back home if they did it in public, I used to think.

But given the current logjam in the states’ discussions, which seems to leave us at increasing risk of potentially disastrous litigation, I’m not so sure that the safe space is serving us particularly well. While the Basin States’ discussion remains opaque and unproductive, in a way that increasingly doesn’t seem to be serving me as a “stakeholder” whose community’s water depends on the river, a bunch of parallel processes happening in far more public ways – see for example the discussion of tribal issues above, and the work on restoring environmental flows in the delta – seem increasingly to be where the useful action is.

John Berggren, from Western Resource Advocates, made this point in a talk about Colorado River process, quoting here from a chapter he and I and some other folks wrote for the book Cornerstone:

Inclusivity does not threaten the special status of existing decision-makers; inclusivity puts those decision-makers in a setting where they have more resources, information, and perceived legitimacy to bargain. The Colorado River Compact, after all, is a bargain—a negotiated agreement born from the realization that it was better to make a deal than to do nothing, to litigate, or to delegate important regional decisions to a distant national government.

Along the C-SPAN lines, Berggren noted the work of the Arizona Reconsultation Committee, which has been super C-SPAN-like in the way it has created a framework for a big messy public discussion in Arizona about the important questions.

The flaw in the current process is made clear by basin states’ impasse.

Berggren warmed my heart with this quote from Reuel Olson, whose 1926 doctoral thesis was the first detailed academic look at the Colorado River Compact:

It does not help much to say that what is needed is an equitable division of water between the states. What is needed is a standard which may be applied in order to determine what is an equitable division.

(Fun aside: Comparing notes after his talk, both John and I seem to have bought our copies of Olson’s book from the same Salt Lake City used bookstore.)

A century after Olson said that, we seem to have the same impasse. Tough negotiations by the various states trying to protect their own interests leaves out all kinds of equities, all kinds of values – including mine.

To paraphrase California’s J.B. Hamby, all water users in the basin can reduce their use. I’m sure Hamby wasn’t paraphrasing me when he said that, but he could have been. Here’s how I put it in the concluding chapter of my book Water is For Fighting Over:

Recent years, especially during the drought in the twenty-first century, saw a rash of … articles: “Scarce Water and the Death of California Farms,” “The Dust Bowl Returns,” “A ‘Megadrought’ Will Grip US in the Coming Decades”, “Colorado River Water Supply to Fall Short of Demand.”

These dire stories fuel fears that the only way to save yourself is to fight your neighbors for every last drop. But if you are able to sidestep the crisis narrative and recognize that your community can thrive with less water, then the fight with your neighbors seems less necessary and the risks of water wars and a crash diminish. It’s time to stop fighting over water….


Kuhn-Tara-Fleck on what comes next – the foundations of the Law of the Colorado River, shaky heading into the post-2026 world

River with a bridge and graffiti

Rio Grande, Alamosa Colorado, June 2024

ALAMOSA, COLORADO – Meandering toward Boulder for this week’s Getches-Wilkinson Center Colorado River conference, I stopped this evening in Alamosa, Colorado, in the San Luis Valley. I love the drive up the back way, through the San Luis Valley and into the heart of the Rockies, and I split it up into a couple of days this year to get some bike riding in.

Long western drives have always been a part of my process, quality thinking time, and the San Luis Valley is a great writing prompt. It’s broad, high, pan flat, and a really good place to grow alfalfa and potatoes. (There’s a flatbed of alfalfa in the Walmart parking lot next to my motel, headed for a dairy somewhere – future burgers and pizza cheese.)

When the railroad and the Mormons arrived in the 1800s, they starting growing a lot of stuff to export, reducing the flow in the Rio Grande which, through a series of knock-on effects, led us in central New Mexico to import Colorado River water via the San Juan-Chama Project, which is why I’m headed to Boulder. For want of a nail….

Foundations of the Law of the River: Shaky

It’s the San Juan-Chama linkage – critical to Albuquerque’s water supply – that got me started working on Colorado River issues nearly 20 years ago, which led to a couple of books (Water is For Fighting Over, Science be Dammed) a growing list of academic publications, and this crazy blog, which I’m happy to report Emily Guerin called “influential”! The second book was a collaboration with Eric Kuhn, and during the years working at it we more than once met up at the Holiday Inn Express in Alamosa, midway between his home in Glenwood Springs and mine in Albuquerque, holed up in the breakfast area working through chapters. Is it possible to have fond memories of a Holiday Inn Express breakfast area? I do.

The collaboration continues, joined by my Utton Center colleague Rin Tara, with a couple of new papers digging into the history of the development of the Upper Colorado River Compact and its implications for 21st century river management. A preprint of the first of the two papers, a deep dive into the negotiation history, went up over the weekend and I already blogged about it.

A preprint of the second paper, Unfinished Business: 21st Century Questions Posed by Ambiguities in the Upper Colorado River Compact and the Law of the River, went up this morning. It’s our attempt to work through the modern implications of that history for 21st century river management:

The Law of the River, particularly those components relating to Upper Colorado River water allocation, usage, and measurement, is rife with ambiguities and uncertainties. In the 21st Century, facing a future with less water, these ambiguities pose serious problems. The ongoing process for the development of the Post-2026 Colorado River Operating Guidelines presents an ideal opportunity to address these issues. This article gives a brief history of the Law of the River, with an eye towards the origins of the Stream Depletion Theory, beneficial consumptive use, and Tribal water allocations. The authors then discuss potential resolutions to these three problems. The article concludes by urging water leaders in the Upper Colorado River Basin to consider these solutions in their development of Post-2026 guidelines

All three of us will be in Boulder for Getches Wilkinson, say hi, we’d love to talk about this stuff!

Horse Trading in the negotiation of the 1948 Upper Colorado River Basin Compact (and its implications today)

There was deep tension in Cheyenne, Wyoming, in September 1947 as the negotiators for the Upper Colorado River Basin states gathered to try to hammer out a deal to divvy up their share of the Colorado’s water.

The 1922 Compact had split the river in two at Lee Ferry, and left for later the question of how to divide up the upper and lower divisions’ shares of the river among the respective regions’ states. By September 1947, the Upper Division states had been meeting off and on for more than a year, but progress was slow, stymied by a lack of the detailed water supply and use data some negotiators had hoped for.

Wyoming wanted to move quickly. As Eric Kuhn, my Utton Center colleague Rin Tara, and I write in a new paper:

Alluding to comments made by Utah’s Governor Maw earlier in the day, (federal commissioner Harry) Bashore suggested “the Commission attempt to negotiate this compact on the basis of percentage without attempting a lot of fine-haired calculations as to what the water is because it will change from year to year.” Adding that he was putting it to them plainly and “was not pulling any punches,” Bashore noted he would like “you folks on the Commission to do the same thing.”

Wyoming’s L. C. Bishop immediately responded that there was no need to wait for the report of the Engineering Committee. It was now time “to go ahead and negotiate the compact with the information we have.” He further noted that there are more lands than there is water, so it was time for the horse trading. Colorado’s Stone objected, noting “maybe in the end there will be an element of horse-trading in it, but Colorado feels we shouldn’t trade horses in the dark,” but added “there is an end and a limit to engineering studies and adding that there was much that could be done while the engineering work was being completed.”

The paper builds on Eric’s exhaustive review of the Upper Basin Compact negotiations, something which strangely we couldn’t find that any Colorado River Basin scholar had done in at the level of detail we felt was needed to understand the roots of today’s conflicts over questions still shrouded in ambiguity:

  • How do we quantify consumptive use in the Colorado River Basin?
  • How much water must the Upper Basin send down past Lee Ferry to users in the Lower Basin?

A Horse Named the Stream Depletion Theory

Stone’s argument against horse trading held for a time, and it was not until the marathon seventh negotiating meeting the following July that the horse trading finally began. The results have profound implications for modern Colorado River management.

To get to a final agreement, at the urging of Wyoming’s Wehrli, Bashore suggested the Commission break for a series of states only and state-to-state caucuses. It was also now time for Bashore to conduct some shuttle diplomacy. Stone, who up until this point had resisted any “horse trading,” realized he now needed to make some trades. He needed a horse named “The Stream Depletion Theory.” It appears that to get that horse, he gave Wyoming a horse named “A 14% Apportionment.”

The meaning of that language – “stream depletion theory” – is arcane, but the implications today are profound. Colorado pushed hard to argue that Upper Basin use should be measured not be diversions less return flows at each point along the river, but rather by the total impact of each state’s actions on the river’s flow at Lee Ferry. To win Wyoming’s backing, Stone offered Wyoming a juicy entitlement.

The result, eventually enshrined in the Upper Basin Compact, has profound effects on today’s arguments over Colorado River water.



Capability, Dignity, and Albuquerque’s San Mateo Inn

My city councilor, Tammy Fiebelkorn, gets it.

Here’s what she said about the city of Albuquerque’s purchase of an old motel in our neighborhood to use as transitional housing for young people (18 – 25) on the edge of homelessness:

The San Mateo Inn is across the street from a bus stop, a short drive from the University of New Mexico or Central New Mexico Community College, and adjacent to many businesses.

“It’s near a lot of different job opportunities, so they can actually be here and be getting job assistance,” Councilor Tammy Fiebelkorn said. The location is also in the middle of District 7, which Fiebelkorn represents.

“It’s also around a lot of fun things to do. I think it’s really important that when we’re putting together a shelter for unhoused people of any age, but particularly young people, we do it where they’re able to access fun. We want them to be part of our community,” she said.

We want them to be part of our community.

In his foundational work on the moral underpinnings of development economics, the Nobel laureate Amartya Sen (as much moral philosopher as economist) talks about the importance of “capability” – creating the opportunities for people to do and be that which they have reason to value.

Like bus lines, and access to jobs. That’s the kind of stuff Sen is talking about.

In her extension of Sen’s work, philosopher Martha Nussbaum anchors capability in fundamental human dignity. “We (should) do it where they’re able to access fun. We want them to be part of our community.” That’s what Sen and Nussbaum are talking about.

It’s not just about getting people off the street. It’s about their capabilities and dignity.

New Mexico 2024 End of May Reservoir Storage

Graph showing blue line for southern New Mexico Reservoir storage and red line for northern New Mexico, showing decline through the 2000s

Still running on empty

With the snow mostly melted, it’s time for a fresh look at the water storage situation on New Mexico’s Rio Grande – water saved from the spring runoff this year, and carried over from previous years, to use for irrigation, municipal use, and environmental flows during the summer. Total reservoir storage got a bump up last year, but we’ve already drawn down a significant fraction of the gains.

By going back to 1980, the graph above gives a clear picture of the shift from wet to dry as the millennial drought/aridification set in. Within the first few years of the 2000s, we burned through the accumulated bounty of the 1990s. It’s also useful to drill down to the last two decades.

A line graph depicting historical and projected fluctuations in the water storage levels for northern and southern reservoir groups within New Mexico's Rio Grande system from 2005 to 2025. The red line shows the northern reservoirs (Heron, El Vado, Abiquiu, Cochiti) experiencing a sharp peak around 2010, followed by a steep decline and then more moderate variations. The blue line for the southern reservoirs (Elephant Butte, Caballo) displays a dramatic rise and fall pattern, reaching its highest level around 2010 before plummeting, then showing alternating periods of recovery and depletion with a projected increase by 2025. The graph highlights the cyclical nature of water storage challenges faced by this vital river system.

Running on empty 2

Inkstain’s content will always be free. Thanks to my supporters for help keep the lights on and the coffee flowing.

N.B.: My code to generate this matches today’s number with the same day in all previous years. For completeness, here’s the graph of the entire dataset at a daily timestep for those who prefer it.

A line graph showing the combined storage levels of northern and southern reservoirs in New Mexico's Rio Grande system from 1980 to May 2024, measured in acre feet. Northern reservoirs show consistently lower levels than southern reservoirs, with both groups experiencing a significant decline in storage since the late 1990s.

Running on empty 3

End of Season Wrap-Up – Holding on to What We’ve Got

A guest post by Jack Schmidt, director of the Center for Colorado River Studies at Utah State University

By Jack Schmidt | May 22, 2024

Opportunities to rebuild basin-wide reservoir storage have been rare in the 21st century.

On April 3 2024, the snow accumulation season in the Colorado River watershed ended and the snow water equivalent of the snowpack of the Upper Basin peaked. Two weeks later on April 17, the watershed’s reservoirs1 dipped to their lowest level of the year. Now runoff is underway, and the watershed’s reservoirs are beginning to refill. This is a good time to assess how well water managers did during the past nine months to retain the bounty of 2023’s excellent runoff season, an essential part of rebuilding reservoir storage and regaining basin-wide water supply security.

The good news is that water managers did quite well, and reservoirs lost only 26% of the total amount accumulated during the 2023 runoff season. This was the smallest loss of any year in the last decade. Most of the decrease in storage that followed last year’s snowmelt inflow occurred in Upper Basin reservoirs, and Lake Mead and Lake Powell lost only 5% of the storage that accumulated in those two reservoirs. It is imperative that water managers continue to work to reduce consumptive uses, reduce losses, and retain the bounty of the few unusually wet years of the 21st century, as they did following the 2023 snowmelt.

Opportunities to rebuild basin-wide reservoir storage have been rare in the 21st century, and there have been many years in which there is significant risk of basin-wide reservoir storage depletion. Hydrologic and reservoir storage data between 2014 and 2023 indicate that annual snowmelt-derived gains in reservoir storage exceeded losses when natural flow at Lees Ferry exceeded 13.7 million acre feet per year (af/yr). Annual flows less than this amount occurred in 16 years of the 21st century. Opportunities to significantly rebuild basin-wide reservoir storage existed when natural flow exceeded 15.8 million af/yr, which only occurred six times in the 21st century. Development of a sustainable policy for managing Colorado River reservoir storage must focus on reducing consumptive uses and losses in both wet and dry years.

To recap, the natural flow of the Colorado River at Lees Ferry in 2023 was the third highest of the 21st century and was exceeded only in 2011 and 2019 (Table 1). Unregulated inflow to Lake Powell in Water Year (WY) 2023 was ~13.4 million af2.

Table 1

In response to this large runoff, the basin’s reservoirs recovered a significant amount of storage. The watershed’s reservoirs reached their maximum in mid-July (13 July 2023) when total storage was 29.7 million af. The increase in basin storage between mid-April and mid-July was 8.38 million af and was the largest single-year increase in storage in the last decade, and approximately 1 million af more than the increase in storage that had resulted from the inflows of 2019 (Table 2).

Table 2

However, the runoff in 2023 did not eliminate critically low reservoir storage conditions. The increased reservoir storage that peaked in mid-July 2023 recovered storage to the amount it had been in mid-February 2021 in the early stages of the 2020-2022 water crisis (Fig. 1). Based on average annual water consumption3 2023’s runoff would need to be repeated five more times to refill the reservoir system. Good runoff years rarely occur consecutively. The projected unregulated inflow to Lake Powell in 2024 is estimated to be only 81% of average.

Figure 1

Figure 1. Graph showing reservoir storage in the Colorado River basin between 1 January 1999 and 1 May 2024. Note that at the peak of storage in mid-July 2023, the total stored water supply was the same as it had been in mid-February 2021.

When we entered mid-summer 2023, I expressed concern about water managers’ ability to conserve the benefit of 2023’s runoff season, because we had not done so in previous years of good runoff. In those years, the benefit of reservoir storage recovery was not retained for more than two years (see blog post from October 2023). The benefit of 2011, the largest runoff of the 21st century, had been completely consumed in 19 months, and the benefit of large runoff in 2019 had been consumed in 24 months. I suggested that public understanding about the status of reservoir storage and the need to conserve the bounty of good years would be improved if water managers regularly reported how much of the previous year’s inflow benefit was retained. Such a metric could highlight success in rebuilding water storage or could be used to sound a warning of the need for additional conservation.

Throughout winter and early spring 2023 and 2024, I reported on the status of reservoir storage and showed that water managers were successfully conserving reservoir storage. Between mid-July (13 July 2023) and mid-April (17 April 2024), total basin-wide reservoir storage lost only 2.2 million af (Fig. 2) which was 26% of the total “gains” of the 2023 snowmelt season. Most of this decrease in storage occurred upstream from Lake Powell, where reservoirs lost 1.4 million af. In contrast, storage in the Lake Powell-Lake Mead reservoir system decreased by only 0.83 million af.

Figure 2

Figure 2. Graph showing reservoir storage in the Colorado River basin between 1 January 2023 and 1 May 2024.

The percentage of the accumulated snowmelt in 2023 that was consumed or otherwise lost from reservoirs in the subsequent months was less than in any other year of the past decade and was less than following the 2019 runoff season and significantly less than the years between 2014 and 2017 when runoff was moderately good (Table 2). I compared the rate and magnitude of decrease of reservoir storage in 2023-2024 with similar data for the previous nine years. The results are presented in a complicated Figure 3. Each line on this graph is the loss in storage in each year, plotted as the cumulative decrease in storage from the peak that had occurred in early summer. Lines that plot higher on this graph reflect smaller decreases in basin storage. The decrease in storage was notably large after the 2020 snowmelt season; total basin storage was nearly 7 million af less in spring 2021 than it had been in summer 2020. There were also large reductions after the snowmelt inflows of 2018 and 2021. In contrast, the reduction in storage after the 2023 runoff season (the thick blue line) was smaller than in the other years; this pattern is reflected by the thick blue line that plots higher on Figure 3 than in most other years.

Figure 3

Figure 3. Graph showing the decrease in reservoir storage during late summer, fall, winter, and early spring following each year’s snowmelt season.

Although the combined storage contents of Lake Mead and Lake Powell reflect the balance (or imbalance) between basin water supply and consumptive use, the trajectories of individual reservoirs also result from reservoir operational rules specific to each facility. Lake Powell reached its peak storage of the year in early July (8 July 2023; 9.67 million af) and subsequently lost 2 million af by mid-April, because water was transferred downstream (Fig. 4). Storage began to accumulate again in Lake Powell in mid-April (18 April 2024). In contrast, storage in Lake Mead steadily increased between August 2022 and early March (4 March 2024), gaining 2.7 million af of storage. Lake Mead has been losing storage since early March.

Figure 4

Figure 4. Graph showing the distribution of reservoir storage in different parts of the Colorado River basin between 1 January 2021 and 1 May 2024.

The trajectory of storage in Upper Basin reservoirs differed between those facilities authorized or linked to the Colorado River Storage Project (CRSP)4 in contrast to other facilities (Fig. 4). Peak storage upstream from Lake Powell peaked in early (facilities unrelated to the CRSP peaked on 5 July 2023 at 3.69 million af ) to mid-July (CRSP related facilities peaked on 15 July 2023 at 5.79 million af). Storage in facilities unrelated to the CRSP was quickly reduced to approximately 3 million af by mid-September, and storage was maintained at that quantity until the beginning of the 2024 snowmelt season. In contrast, storage in CRSP related facilities progressively lost storage of approximately 0.8 million af until mid-February 2024 when storage stabilized at approximately 5 million af. The longer period of declining storage in CRSP-related facilities was caused by policies related to transferring water to Lake Powell.

Insights about the Future

The data and analyses presented above provide insight about the likely trajectory of future Colorado Basin reservoir storage if no changes are made in policies concerning consumptive use and reservoir operations. During the past decade, the increase in basin-wide reservoir storage is well predicted by a power function based on the natural flow at Lees Ferry5 (Fig. 5).

Figure 5

Figure 5. Graph showing the relationship between annual natural flow at Lees Ferry and increase to basin-wide total storage during the snowmelt inflow season between 2014 and 2023.

The proportion of snowmelt-derived gain in storage subsequently lost during the following nine months is well predicted as an inverse power function6 of the increase in storage. The greater the increase in storage, the smaller the proportion of that increase subsequently lost. In years when there is little increase in storage, basin-wide consumptive uses and losses far exceeded the annual increase in storage (Fig. 6). Such was the case in 2018 and between 2020 and 2022.

Figure 6

Figure 6. Graph showing the proportion of the annual accumulated reservoir storage consumed or lost during the following nine months prior to the beginning of the next runoff season.

These correlations indicate that annual consumption and losses in excess of annual storage gains occurred when gains were less than approximately 3.2 million af. Between 2014 and 2023, storage gains were less than this amount when natural flows were less than approximately 13.7 million af, which occurred in 16 years of the Millennium Drought. Significant retention of reservoir storage, defined as retention of at least 50% of the annual accumulation, occurred when storage increased by at least 5.7 million af. Such an increase of storage only occurred when natural runoff exceeded 15.8 million af (Fig. 5), which only occurred six times between 2000 and 2023.

Take-Home Messages

The essential purpose of negotiating new reservoir operational guidelines for the Colorado River basin is to maintain sufficient reservoir storage to provide a reliable and secure water supply. At the beginning of the 2024 snowmelt season, basin-wide reservoir storage is comparable to what it was in late spring 2021, demonstrating that the Millennium Drought water crisis persists. The opportunity for significant retention of the benefits of significant increases in reservoir storage exist when natural flow exceeds approximately 15.8 million af, a situation that has rarely occurred since 2000. When natural flow is less than approximately 13.7 million af, there is significant risk of depletion of basin-wide storage. Development of a sustainable policy for managing Colorado River reservoir storage must focus on reducing consumptive uses and losses in both wet and dry years.

 1. In this post, “total watershed reservoir storage” or “total basin storage” are defined as the total storage in 46 reservoirs reported by the Bureau of Reclamation in its hydrologic database. These reservoirs do not include those in Lower Basin tributary watersheds and do not include a few smaller reservoirs in the Upper Basin.
2. The estimated natural flow at Lees Ferry is greater than the estimated unregulated inflow to Lake Powell, because natural flow is an estimation of what the river flow would be in the absence of humans, whereas unregulated inflow is the estimation of inflow in the absence of upstream reservoirs but with existing consumptive uses and losses.
3. Average annual consumptive uses and losses in the Colorado River, including reservoir evaporation and use in Mexico was 15.0 million af/yr between 2001-2020, based on Bureau of Reclamation reports. Between 2016 and 2020, consumptive uses and losses averaged 14.5 million af/yr.
4. Facilities authorized by or linked to the CRSP include Flaming Gorge, Navajo, Blue Mesa, Fontenelle, Morrow Point, and Crystal reservoirs.
5.  y = (1.5699 * 10-22) (x3.9677); R2 = 0.96, where y is increase in basin reservoir storage during the snowmelt season and x is the annual natural flow at Lees Ferry in the same year.
6. y = (4.7903 * 107) (x-1.1806); R2 = 0.99, where y is the proportion of the increase in storage consumed or otherwise lost in the subsequent nine months and x is the increase in storage during that snowmelt season.
We encourage the use of these figures in your own work with appropriate credit (Jack Schmidt, Center for Colorado River Studies). Please contact us if higher resolution images are required.

Blooming Hedgehog

Red blooming cactus with tan rock and spiderwebs glistening in the sunlight

Hedgehog cactus. Photo (and cactus) by L. Heineman.

Hedgehog Cactcus, blooming ride, with driveway and car in the background

Hedgehog cactus. Photo (and cactus) by L. Heineman.

Lissa has been nurturing this hedgehog cactus since we brought it back from Tucson a couple of years ago, wondering if it would survive our Albuquerque winters.

This morning, it started putting on a show.