Q: What do fracking and viticulture have in common?

This is such an old story, but the new garb makes an interesting side-by-side comparison: a community faces tension as a new water user comes to town.

In Barnhart, in West Texas, it’s fracking for oil:

The Barnhart area has been hard-hit by drought, he said, just as surging oil and gas drilling activities have increased local water demands.

In Paso Robles, CA, it’s wine:

Where did the water go? Smith and other residents say it’s flowing freely into the area’s signature industry — wine.

Let us set aside, for a moment, the value judgments one might have about the newly produced products involved, and the fact that we love one while find the other abhorrent (I’ll let you decide which is which.).

What policies could be implemented in these communities to sort out the competing demands for scarce water?

The audacity of building rivers: Parker Dam and the Colorado River Aqueduct

Southern California, if I may quote myself, didn’t have enough water to support a city, “so they built three great rivers.” Not one or two. Three aqueducts to carry water to “the southland”, as we called it in my youth. The audacity of that act is captured in this map I stumbled across today, from the Metropolitan Water District’s “History and First Annual Report“:

Colorado River Aqueduct

Colorado River Aqueduct

Click to blow it up. Really.

Stretching the Ogallala Aquifer

Ogallala Aquifer depletions

Ogallala Aquifer depletions, Wikimedia

If one wanted the Kansas portion of the Ogallala Aquifer to last forever, to be farmable sustainably in perpetuity, one would need to cut back current groundwater mining by 80 percent to bring withdrawals into line with natural recharge, according to a new study published last week in PNAS. That ain’t gonna happen. But even a 20 percent reduction in pumping could stretch out the peak of agricultural production to 2070, according to David Steward of Kansas State University and his colleagues.

Reducing pumping now to stretch out their supplies for future generations is an important community question, as Brett Walton explains in a nice piece on the study and its implications:

The allure of heritage is powerful in this deeply agricultural land. Farms here run in the family, often for generations. Testifying last November in favor of the voluntary reductions in northwest Kansas, Roche Meier, a Sheridan County farmer who would be affected by the cuts, told a state water official that the restrictions would be worthwhile if they kept irrigated agriculture alive for his grandchildren.

Reducing pumping by 20 percent might turn out to be less a burden than feared, for several reasons. More crop production with less water is possible thanks to water-efficient technologies such as center-pivot and drip irrigation, varieties of corn selected to endure drier conditions, and farming techniques that maximize water use. The goal for each strategy is to ensure that each drop of water applied to a crop is put to use by the plant. The study found that this measure, called water-use efficiency, has increased by roughly 2 percent every year.

Tree rings: it’s not just the width any more, it’s the isotopes

I’m thinking I may need to update my tree rings book, or write a new one.

Much of my focus was on measurements of tree ring width, which makes sense. If you pick the right tree, the ring width can tell you whether a year was dry or wet. Thin rings mean the tree didn’t have much moisture to work with that year. But a rapidly growing new approach using the isotopic composition of the wood to tell us much, much more.

The technology’s been there for a while to do this, but improvements in isotopic analysis methodology make it possible now to do it with much smaller sample sizes, and much more quickly and economically. Here’s an example, from a research program aimed at reconstructing drought history in the upper Great Plains of North America:

Because old trees are scarce at low elevations in the arid inland western United States, ring-based flow reconstructions in large rivers are usually based on conifer trees in the mountains, where most of the run-off is derived. Such chronologies are important, but incomplete because they do not integrate events and hydrologic processes lower in the watershed. Ongoing work has shown that the dominant riparian tree in the lowland western United States, cottonwood (Populus spp.), is long-lived (as old as 370 years), cross-dates well, and has growth strongly correlated with surface-water flow (Merigliano et al. 2012, Friedman et al. 2012, Edmondson et al. 2013). Cross-dated sets of cottonwood cores from the northern Great Plains are now available for stable isotope analysis and past work in this genus has shown a strong relation between carbon isotope fractionation and drought stress (Leffler and Evans 1999). This presents the possibility of conducting multi-proxy studies using ring widths, stable isotopes, and possibly trace elements and radiogenic isotopes of both low-elevation cottonwoods and high-elevation conifers.

It’d be cool to see this done with cottonwoods here in the Rio Grande Valley. We don’t have 370-year-old cottonwoods, but I’m sure there are things to be learned.

Stuff I wrote elsewhere: oil and water

From the morning paper, the fruits of a trip to Farmington, in northwest New Mexico, for a legislative hearing on water. Among the items on the agenda, water use in oil and gas production:

The problem, according to Egolf and others, is that the state lacks comprehensive data on how much water is being used now in hydraulic fracturing operations, how it has increased in recent years, and how it might rise as operations expand. That question is especially pertinent in the San Juan Basin, which oil and gas experts say could be on the verge of a major increase in hydraulic fracturing operations.


Global groundwater trends – not encouraging

Cynthia Barnett has an article in the fascinating new environmental publication Ensia about the problems we face globally because we’re pumping water out of the ground faster than nature puts it back in. One of the things I like about Cythia’s writing on water is her optimistic, solutions-oriented approach:

The solutions to overdrawn aquifers are similar to those for overdrawn bank accounts. Foremost is reining in overconsumption. Cities and farmers alike have shown that we can live with less water. Facing severe groundwater depletion in the 1980s, residents of Tucson, Ariz., have managed to reduce their daily Big Gulp from 200 gallons per person in 1985 to 130 gallons today. At the same time, the city has transitioned away from mining the aquifer as its primary source. Three-fourths of Tucson’s water supply in 2003, groundwater now accounts for less than half — with the remainder drawn from the Colorado River and reclaimed sewer and industrial sources.

And this:

The real test is whether people already in conflict can come to share and restore aquifers. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the Pacific Institute, which has tracked water conflict throughout human history, found that water has more often been a source of international cooperation than of war.


Fallowing – the path of least resistance?

Antoine Abou-Diwan had an interesting story over the weekend in the Imperial Valley Press suggesting fallowing, rather than more sophisticated agricultural water conservation approaches, has become the default standard for water savings in the Imperial Valley needed to meet the Imperial Irrigation District’s obligations under California’s Quantification Settlement Agreement.

Under the QSA, water saved in Imperial is transferred to coastal Southern California for urban use. This is all part of California’s Byzantine efforts to live within its 4.4 million acre foot Colorado River allocation:

Under the terms of the QSA, the IID will eventually transfer to the San Diego County Water Authority 200,000 acre-feet of water annually, and more than 100,000 acre-feet to the Coachella Valley Water District and Metropolitan Water District.

The transfer should be sustained by water that is conserved through improvements to the IID’s system and on-farm water-efficient irrigation practices, like sprinklers and tailwater recovery systems, all funded with millions of dollars from the recipients of the IID’s water.

Yet, 10 years into the transfer, most of the water being conserved comes from fallowing, whereby a field is taken out of production to conserve the water that would ordinarily irrigate it.

If you’re interested in the complexities of making conservation work in a water-stressed West, the full article is worth a read.

Increasing aridity in the Colorado River Basin

A new paper by Darrin Ficklin and colleagues anticipates drying in the Upper Colorado River Basin, especially in its southern region:

The shift from semi-arid to arid conditions is likely to be especially prominent for the southern and central subbasins of the UCRB.

increasing aridity in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Ficklin et al.

increasing aridity in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Ficklin et al.

Climate Change Impacts on Streamflow and Subbasin-Scale Hydrology in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Ficklin et al, PLOS One