6. Writing Application and Applet Manuals

Every GNOME application or applet should have a manual specific to that particular application. This manual should be a complete and authoritative guide. The manual should describe what the program does and how to use it. Manuals will typically describe each feature and preference option presented to the user using screenshots (in PNG format only) when appropriate. They should also describe each window and panel if available.

An invaluable resource to the documentation writer is the GNOME Documentation Style Guide (GDSG or just style guide). The style guide gives pointer to writing documentation, word usage, usability, and DocBook style. There are check lists for writing good documentation. The style guide contains guidelines for writing to an international audience so translations of the documentation don't lose content in translation. An approved word list and definitions are available so a set of basic technical words have the same meaning. It is always handy to keep the style guide at your side or in a hardcopy so you can refer to it while writing documentation. The GNOME Documentation Style Guide can be obtained at http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gdp/styleguide.html or in the CVS module gnome-docu/gdp/style.

Documentation Availability

Applications and applets should not rely on documentation which is only available on the internet. All manuals and other documentation should be packaged with the application or applet and be made available to the user through the standard GNOME help system methods described below.

Application manuals should be based on the template in for GNOME version 2.x.. Applet manuals should be based on the templates for GNOME versions 2.x.

Manuals For Large Applications

Manuals for very large applications, such as GNOME Office components should be a <book> (and thus use <chapter> for each primary section) , instead of <article> which most applications use (with each primary section being a <sect1>).

Application manuals should be made available by having a Contents entry in the Help pull-down menu at the top of the application, as described in Listing Documents in the Help Menu. Applets should make their manuals available by right-clicking on the applet.