Some data on alfalfa production

Update: Data here is from USDA, the “USGS” in the graphs is a typo in the code I used to generate them, which I’m too lazy to fix. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s 2024 estimate of alfalfa acreage in New Mexico, 130,000 acres, is the lowest it’s been since the 1950s. Acreage is down 55 …

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Assigned Water on the Colorado River: Arizona Department of Water Resources response

The Arizona Department of Water Resources has published a thoughtful and also delightfully testy response to Enduring Solutions on the Colorado River, the white paper Kathryn Sorensen et al. (I’m one of the et alias) published in August. First a reminder of our core premise: As we work to reduce water use on the post-2026 …

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“institutional artisanship”

Water resources must be governed before they can be managed, and the crafting of governance institutions is an ongoing challenge of the human condition. Institutional artisanship requires the availability of tools for institutional design and creation, and a reflective understanding of the use of those tools. Yet neither the tools nor the understanding exist in …

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Rubber Soul, the path to elevation 1,040, and the game of chicken on the Colorado River

Two years ago, when the level of Lake Mead was hovering near elevation 1,040, my artist wife Lissa Heineman and I drove out over UNM’s fall break to see it for ourselves. Out beyond the old Boulder Harbor, we walked a half mile across mud flats to get to the water. I could look out …

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The 2024-2025 Season of Water Consumption: Can We Retain Our Gains?

By Jack Schmidt The decrease in reservoir storage following the 2024 inflow season has been thankfully modest, but not as favorable as it was at this time last year. Perseverance reducing consumptive uses and losses is needed for reliability and security in the water supply and to regain reservoir storage. Between mid-April and early July …

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Imperial Irrigation District’s water use on track for a record low, as is US Lower Basin use

Taming the Lower Basin Structural Deficit The federally funded water use reductions approved last month by the Imperial Irrigation District and the federal government have made their way into the Bureau of Reclamation’s annual forecast model (updated Sept. 6 as I’m writing this), and the numbers are remarkable. Imperial’s projected 2.2 million acre foot take …

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Emerging Values and Institutional Reform on the Colorado River

Lorelei Cloud and John Berggren had a really important piece on Colorado River governance in the Colorado Sun last month that has not received sufficient attention. The challenge, they argue, is the lack of the institutional framework we need to address evolving societal values around the river’s management in a changing world. Cloud is Vice-Chairman …

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The search for enduring solutions on the Colorado River

Kathryn Sorensen & Sarah Porter, Kyl Center for Water Policy, Morrison Institute for Public Policy, Arizona State University; John Fleck, Utton Transboundary Resources Center, University of New Mexico School of Law Colorado River Basin governance is increasingly struggling with a deep question in water management: When we reduce our use of water, who gets the …

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