Stansbury puts pressure on the Air Force to deal with the Kirtland Air Force Base spill

Rep. Melanie Stansbury, my congresswoman, is throwing her considerable political and water policy clout behind efforts to poke the U.S. Air Force into action on its malingering fuel spill on Albuquerque’s south side. Dani Prokop had a nice overview of the issues this morning in Source NM: Rep. Melanie Stansbury (D-N.M.) called Tuesday for the …

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Ribbons of green and the sand hills beyond

There’s a weird bench at the edge of a lovely little ten acre patch of desert sand hill scrub a ten minute walk from my office at the UNM School of Law. The path circles the edge of the university’s north golf course, which is green and lovely in its pumped-groundwater way. The path (It’s …

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Albuquerque’s aquifer recovery seems to be returning

After a couple of years of setback, the aquifer underneath the University of New Mexico neighorhood is rising again. The spring measurement shows that it’s risen three feet since last year around this time. The annual variability (the graph’s ups and downs) are the result of regional groundwater pumping for our municipal supply – more …

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Bosque overbanking as the Rio Grande rises

In the early 1990s, a group of New Mexico scientists set up experimental plots at the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge on the Rio Grande south of Albuquerque for in an effort to determine what might happen when water was reintroduced to the flood-starved woods flanking the river. Their description of what happened is …

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Thick places, infrastructural inversions, and the gift of ideas

  My friend Scot and I rode north on yesterday’s bike ride to see the Corrales Siphon pumps. Built in the 1930s, the siphon for nearly a century carried water beneath the Rio Grande to irrigate a thousand acres of land on the west side of the river at the northern end of the Albuquerque …

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Overbanking on Albuquerque’s Middle Rio Grande

The Rio Grande through central New Mexico is up. Yesterday’s daily average flow, 3,360 cubic feet per second, is the highest for that date since 1993. For Albuquerque’s river nerds, “overbanking” is an important cultural phenomenon. The Bureau of Reclamation’s Middle Rio Grande Project in the 1950s narrowed and channelized the river through our valley, …

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Big flows on New Mexico’s Rio Jemez

Ryan Boetel at the Albuquerque Journal has the latest in the morning paper on the big flows on the Rio Jemez, a Rio Grande tributary north of Albuquerque. For non-Albuquerque readers, the Jemez flows through the Jemez Mountains northwest of Albuquerque. Its confluence with the Rio Grande is ~25 miles (~40km) river miles upstream from …

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Deadpool Diaries: tapping the brakes on Colorado River cuts

Last updated 2 p.m. MDT April 12, 2023 – with explanation of why the feds’ cut isn’t as deep as the states’ I’ll need a few more days to digest all 476 pages of the Department of Interior’s Colorado River Draft Supplemental Environmental Environmental Impact Statement, but the top line numbers are worth sharing right …

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Deadpool diaries: Bonkers snowpack, open thread

Snowpack, runoff, reservoirs In the comments, Nick from Australia is on “team Powell 3600”. Last month Reclamation was on “team Powell 3569.93“, meaning the projected elevation of Lake Powell above sea level at the end of the water year, and the CBRFC’s forecast for runoff into Powell is up two million acre feet since those …

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