Playing with tools I don’t understand very well
Purple really brings out the fractal in this tree:
Purple really brings out the fractal in this tree:
I did not realize the Ancestral Puebloans were known for their leather furniture. New Mexico is a wondrous place.
A couple of summers ago, I saw the Google Street View car coming down the Interstate 40 onramp at Carlisle Boulevard, parallel to my bike trail, as I was coming home from a ride. I looked a few times, hoping they’d captured my endorphin smile, then forgot about it. This evening I remembered to check:
Grasshopper hangin’ out in our backyard piñon:
Swirls as the muddy Rio Grande passed through Albuquerque this morning: (Much electronic manipulation of the image to bring out those colors. It was pretty, but not quite that pretty.)
From a letter to Franz Kafka: Sir, You have made me unhappy. I bought your ‘Metamorphosis’ as a present for my cousin, but she doesn’t know what to make of the story. As quoted in the Economist’s review of Kafka: The Years of Insight.