Aztec Motel
In Albuquerque, we frequently tear down our old Route 66 motels, but keep their signs:
In Albuquerque, we frequently tear down our old Route 66 motels, but keep their signs:
The Desert Sun Motel is frozen at $19.95 a night (and up): CLEAN ARGE R OO MS $19/95& UP FREE COF EE CABLE TV HBO ESP VACANCY It looks like a project stalled in mid-renovation, though it’s hard to see how this could have ended well if the owners had continued to spend money. It’s …
tl;dr Lissa and I met a man today who saw Big Foot in the foothills of the Chuska Mountains on the Navajo Nation west of Newcomb, New Mexico. He could neither hear nor speak, but we have no reason to doubt his story. Lissa misplaced her purse, which was easily found, and we bought a …
I was a little kid when I first saw Shiprock, the great volcanic neck on the northeastern edge of Navajo country, and I’ve been staring at it from all conceivable angles, in fascination, ever since. Most days you can see it through the distant haze from Mesa Verde, the plateau to the north, but …
Our friend Sybil has a particularly nice backyard fountain.
I wasn’t close enough to hear what they were talking about, but the turtle looked pissed.
The Desert Sands Motor Hotel on old Route 66 in Albuquerque has all the modern amenities. If you look closely, you’ll see a small television satellite dish.
This is my favorite border picture from my trip last month to Arizona-California-Sonora-Baja. You can see the old border fence on the right, one of those repurposed metal landing strip things, which as near as I can tell is where the actual border is. The big new fence is pulled back 50 yards or so …
Disclosure: I digitally altered the original. The moon was moved.
I’ve quoted before Don DeLillo’s great description of how, at a night baseball game, under the lights, “the players seem completely separate from the night around them.” At our Albuquerque Isotopes’ home opener this evening, the players’ home whites seemed impossibly white, the grass seemed impossibly green, the sky behind the lights impossibly inky black. In …