Elephant Diaries: Obituary for a Life I Never Quite Lived

Rick Anderson on the rich life and untimely death of the Seattle P-I: It was different after the P-I packed up its globe and moved to a new building on the waterfront in 1986. Newspapers were evolving—less fun, but more respectful work. No more would a beleaguered reporter likely need to drop acid to get …

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walkscore Originally uploaded by heinemanfleck. Via the Google Maps Mania blog, the entertaining (and potentially useful) Walkscore web site. Input your address and they score your neighborhood’s walkability and tell you about bookstores and libraries nearby that you’d never heard of, and bistros that are closed.

Strange Maps

Jim Belshaw recently linked to Strange Maps, a blog that is what it says. My interest in maps involves the intersection of the aesthetic with the cognitive, and the way the decisions about what you put in and what you leave out goes a long way both toward communicating and circumscribing. Today, a map of …

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