Signs of Fall

Not exactly phenology (is there such a thing as “cultural phenology”?), but Nora Friday noted another sign of fall: The mornings are getting brisker now; I need to wear my jacket when I walk to class in the mornings. Cold mornings mean hot air balloons, of course.

Not a Food Item

super-miracle-bubbles Originally uploaded by heinemanfleck. Lissa and Nora got a screamin’ deal this afternoon on a big jug of Super Miracle Bubbles. At the Smiths on Carlisle and Constitution. L said they had one more left – maybe still there if you hurry.


I have fond memories of playing pearball in the backyard with my daughter, Nora. Turns out, apparently, you’re supposed to eat the things. Who knew?

Ghost Mall

In which Nora chronicles our visit to the Ghost Mall. She was kind enough not to embarass me with the revelation that I bought a bunch of incredibly cheap T-shirts while Lady Foot Locker was in the final throes of going out of business. Which I guess makes me a cross-dresser.