Kids Today

Much interesting discussion today about the issue of “framing” in the politics of global climate change – see, for example, Ellen Goodman’s column in the Boston Globe, along with useful discussion by Matthew Nisbet and Tom Yulsman. Useful stuff, but ignores the “sleeveless tops in February” frame. 🙂 From the Fix: What’s with the weather …

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Here is a moose

mooseOriginally uploaded by heinemanfleck. When I was much younger, I wrote, under the non de plume Fernando Schwartz, A Poem of Nature: The flowers and the trees The sky and the birds Look at the buffalo Traveling in herds. Nora’s recent post-it art seems a fine illustration.


Sadie in the snow Originally uploaded by heinemanfleck. To measure your snowfall, pick an open area, away from the influence of buildings, trees, etc. Use a ruler or yardstick and take three separate measurements at widely separated spots. Average the results. Sadie does not care about this level of detail. Her concern seems to be …

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