Harrison’s Rose

Harrison’s Rose Originally uploaded by heinemanfleck. Lissa’s Harrison’s rose is the product of some adventure. Our first try involved stealing a clipping from a certain prominent government building, all Tom Cruise Mission Impossible-like, swooping in like secret agents. But it never took root. Then Tim Berners-Lee invented the Internet, and she bought one on line. …

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wisteria Originally uploaded by heinemanfleck. Nora pointed out the other day how nice it is riding her scooter and smelling the wisteria right now. It’s popping all over the neighborhood. This is from my bike ride this morning, one of the best specimens a block up the street from our house.

A Proud Day

Conservapedia is threatening to ban Nora. Her offense? An entry on the shovel: A shovel is a tool used for moving earth, sand and other granulates. It differs from spades because it is a real tool and not a suit of cards. My little girl is growin’ up good.