Daily “You’re Not Paying Enough For Gas” Report

From a bunch of guys in suits, likely not wearing Birkenstocks: Members of the Journal’s CEO Council tasked with discussing priorities for the U.S. economy and finance offered several fairly uncontroversial suggestions to the incoming administration: implement a fiscal stimulus plan without worsening the long-term deficit, appoint a panel to address financial regulation, create an …

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Energy News of the Day

“China National Nuclear Corp., the nation’s biggest nuclear plant builder, said a decline in the spot price of uranium will affect the country’s exploration for the fuel at home and overseas.” – Bloomberg “Petro-Canada, the country’s third- largest oil company, has delayed the C$25.3 billion ($20.6 billion) Fort Hills oil-sands mining project in Alberta because …

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Collier on Global Food Prices

Paul Collier, writing in the current Foreign Affairs, argues thus about climate change and food prices: In recent years, the increase in demand resulting from gradually increasing incomes in Asia has instead been matched with several supply shocks, such as the prolonged drought in Australia. These shocks will only become more common with the climatic …

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Energy Research at the Weapons Labs?

I wrote a piece for this morning’s Albuquerque Journal trying to address what I think is a misunderstanding afoot in New Mexico about the future of Los Alamos and Sandia labs – the idea that they can shift to energy reserach as support for nuclear weapons spending declines. It ain’t gonna be easy: During the …

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