The importance of technology, barbed wire edition

[T]he traditional wooden fences of earlier American frontiers were simply not feasible in a landscape whose most distinctive feature was its lack of trees. Ranchers could of course get any amount of wood they needed from lumber merchants in Chicago and the Mississippi Valley – if they could afford it. Earlier fencing styles were so …

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Brad Udall on the Colorado River and “the reality of the public”

My name’s John, and I’m a water law junkie. I can’t get enough of Article III(d) of the Colorado River Compact. I love picking fights over the Upper Basin’s share of Mexico’s 1.5 million acre feet delivery obligation. I don’t care. I’ll argue either side.  Just give me my fix. So I’ll happily stipulate that …

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Latest conservation technology, the “water meter”, sweeps British Isles

From the Telegraph: Water companies across a third of the country will be required to consider fitting all properties in their areas with a water meter and billing customers for every drop they use. Under the order, approved this week by Owen Paterson, the Environment Secretary, some family water bills could double. It follows warnings …

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the global shit trade

Supplying European farmers with guano would involve transporting large quantities of excrement across the Atlantic, a project that understandably failed to enthuse shipping companies. Charles Mann, in his fascinating 1491, on the slow uptake in Europe of the South American innovation of mining for fertilizer from Peru’s 147 guano islands. Poop jokes notwithstanding, the 19th …

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Rachael Ludwick on Monsanto

How to really march against Monsanto: The problems in agriculture aren’t related to particular technology. They are related to what we, as a society, have valued. What we value (either in making law or making purchases) drives what farmers grow and thus why Monsanto is so successful. The full item is worth reading.

Why “when the Ogallala runs out” isn’t the right way to think about this

At dinner the other night, one of the people at the table commented about the risk we face when the Ogallala Aquifer, beneath the great plains, runs out, which he’d heard would happen in 20 years. Without taking action now to begin regrowing the native grasses needed to hold the plains in place, he’d heard, …

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