Another happy discovery from the hard drive cleanup project. I’m thinking this is from 2003 or ’04, maybe?
Another happy discovery from the hard drive cleanup project. I’m thinking this is from 2003 or ’04, maybe?
Seen on the bike today: A new beaver dam taking shape in the riverside drain, just south of the Interstate 40 bridge. A pair of bicycle cops pulling over a cyclist on the riverside trail. (If you ride the trail on the weekends, you know Singing Guy. Wears headphones, sings very loudly and very badly. …
I had a hugely lucky moment this morning while I was riding my bike down by the river. The bike trail parallels one of the riverside drains, small canals that flank the Rio Grande through the Albuquerque reach. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted an enormous bird, lunging at something in the …
Continue reading ‘Endangered Species, Endangered Ecosystems’ »
For my bike ride this morning, I headed north to check out the new bike path into Albuquerque’s Balloon Fiesta Park, which my colleague Rosalie Rayburn wrote about in this morning’s paper (sub/ad req). We’re a week away from Albuquerque’s famed balloon fiesta. I’ve always enjoyed riding bikes in the mornings and watching a zillion …
Can You See Me Now? Originally uploaded by heinemanfleck. Hundreds of cyclists, taking over Central (old Route 66) through Albuquerque Sunday for the “Can You See Us Now” ride in honor of those who have died on bicycles, and those who would rather not.
Time Trials Originally uploaded by heinemanfleck. This is where I’ve been spending weekend mornings for the month of August (mostly Saturdays, one Sunday) – out along the Interstate 25 frontage road north of Bernalillo, New Mexico, where my bike racing team puts on its annual time trial series. I’ve been working the start line. The …
I know the whole sports hero thing is dangerous, especially in bike racing, so let’s just leave it at this: it’s fun to watch this kid ride a bike:
It has long been my tradition to celebrate my birthday by riding my age, but this year’s attempt got a bit fouled up. I’m not really old enough for my current age to be a huge challenge, so I usually try to dress it up a bit for fun. Last year, for example, I spent …
I almost crashed the bike this morning, distracted as I zoomed on the bike trail beneath Interstate 25 near the north end of Albuquerque. The bridge abutments are prime swallow turf, and I was looking to see if any have returned from their southern sojourn. I almost took a header into the trailside railing, and …
Continue reading ‘Wednesday Bird Blogging (Bike Blogging?)’ »
Scot, on his commute home yesterday in some sort of dry hurricane: I came very close to being simply swept into a car waiting alongside me at the light at MLK and Broadway. My teeth were sandpaper by the time I got home, and my face a circle of pitted dark encircling the clean patch …