Tuesday Bird Blogging

The leaves are falling away from the trees out back, and Sunday afternoon I spied a nuthatch hopping up and down the trunk of the neighbor’s elm, poking around for bugs. I think it was the red-breasted variety, though I didn’t get a good look. (Picture courtesy Cornell bird lab folks.)


roadrunner Originally uploaded by heinemanfleck. Roadrunners are common in Albuquerque, but we don’t see them too often in our yard. This afternoon I was sitting out in the back eating lunch when I noticed this guy. He’d been there for a while before I spotted him, sitting absolutely still. They don’t seem to mind people …

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Water in the Desert: Oak Flat Edition

Oak Flat watering hole Originally uploaded by heinemanfleck. Lissa made a great discovery yesterday morning while we were walking in the woods at Oak Flat, in the Manzano Mountains east of town. The big thing in the background of the picture that looks like a UFO is a big cistern, with a flared top to …

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