Worth sharing in full:
January 28, 2025
Re: Resignation as U.S. Commissioner to Upper Colorado River Commission
Dear (addressee redacted)
As requested, I am submitting my resignation as U.S. Commissioner and Chair of the Upper Colorado River Commission, effective January 27, 2025. I was honored to be
appointed by President Biden to this position and serving on the Commission has been a privilege. I am deeply appreciative of the opportunity to contribute to the vital work of managing and protecting the Colorado River.This is an existential time for the river. We are on the brink of putting in place an operating regime that will govern our lives and our economies for decades. We are currently trying to manage an immense river system with tools and structures that were not designed for the conditions we face today. The Law of the River has provided a
stable foundation for over 100 years, and we need to give it credit for the amazing development and thriving populations in the entire southwestern part of the country. But the law has not fully adapted to kind of hydrologic conditions we have seen in the past and expect in the future. Agreements negotiated in good faith decades ago are no
longer providing the intended balance of fairness.The operation of the Colorado River is a complex web. Pulling on one thread of the web vibrates through the entire system, with significant potential for unexpected and
adverse consequences. Sustainable operational solutions must be crafted by those who best understand and appreciate this complexity – the Colorado River Basin States and Tribes, the Bureau of Reclamation and other affected agencies and offices within the Department of the Interior, and the many dedicated stakeholders and professionals who rely on and care about the River.This type of process is slow, messy, cumbersome, and unscripted, but ultimately results in the best path forward. This is the course being followed now. Edicts imposed from outside the Basin, such as recent proclamations concerning California water, based on an inadequate understanding of the plumbing and motivated by political retaliation, upend carefully crafted compromises, create winners and losers, and unnecessarily spawn the potential to adversely affect the lives of millions of people as well as the ecosystems on which they depend.
During my time as the U.S. Commissioner on the UCRC, I have had the opportunity to witness an evolution of role of the 30 Basin Tribes in Colorado River management. The commitment by the UCRC and its state commissioners to greater inclusion of Tribes in decision-making processes and more robust consideration of Tribal interests and issues has been extraordinary and had tangible results. The Memorandum of Understanding between the UCRC and the Upper Basin Tribes cementing adopted processes of cross communication and committing to shared goals is an historic first in the Basin. I am optimistic that, despite the rescission of the Executive Order on environmental justice, progress toward more meaningful participation by Tribes in Colorado River decision-making will continue.
In this position, and in my former role as the Assistant Secretary for Water and Science at the Department of the Interior, I have had the privilege to work with many dedicated and professional public servants within the Department and particularly in the Bureau of Reclamation. Despite being vilified by the very Administration they serve, these federal employees continue to strive to fulfill the mission of their agencies. The abrupt imposition of disruptive new terms of employment and undermining of civil service entitlements and expectations are explicitly designed to result in a wave of resignations, which are unabashedly welcomed by the architects of such policies. This broad brush, unfocused purge in furtherance of the stated goal of liberating large corporations from regulation they do not care for will result in attrition of expertise, damage to the American public, and specifically, a more disordered and chaotic Colorado River system.
I wish only the best for the Upper Colorado River Commission and its Commissioners. Both the staff and the Commissioners are dedicated and hardworking and fully
committed to their responsibilities. I will be cheering their efforts to reach a negotiated operational compromise that will sustain the River in the decades to come.Sincerely,
Anne J Castle
“Pulling on one thread of the web vibrates through the entire system, with significant potential for unexpected and adverse consequences.” – applies to both ecosystems and human systems
And suddenly an absence of 117 million gallons in a dry tank has prompted an outrage on a national level due the fires in Los Angeles. The missing water becoming a national conversation and an outrage. I ran the figures through my head and mused that those 117 million gallons amounted to less than 30 seconds of water typically going through Hoover Dam’s turbines on average.
And here we are. The lack of water resources, infrastructure limitations and disfunctionality between federal, state, tribal and local authorities.
It’s going to be an interesting time ahead…
Wow. Saudi Arabian alfalfa farmers will be celebrating.
Harsh, but fair.
This is a huge loss. Ann Castle is knowledgeable, thoughtful, and has been an excellent advocate for Upper Basin water. Losing Ann’s expertise and focus on solutions at this point in Colorado River negotiations is so unfortunate.
Thank you for your years of leadership with DOI and UCRC and thank you for those strong words.
FYI: ” The new Tower of Babel: Divergent water quantification in the southwestern United States” By Juan Camilo Perdomo Marin, Water Alternatives (Vol 18, issue 1) https://www.water-alternatives.org/index.php/alldoc/articles/vol18/v18issue1/773-a18-1-7
Thank you Anne for your service