Albuquerque’s Aquifer


I've been

a) Playing with Datawrapper as a tool for displaying data here on Inkstain, and

b) Thinking about Albuquerque's aquifer as bad summer river flows force us back onto groundwater

(City #2, in the North Valley, is one of a quartet of groundwater monitoring wells drilled in the late '50s as Albuquerque's population and groundwater pumping began to grow. I use it for big picture attention because it's reasonably well placed to give a good rough picture of what's going on, and has a nice long time horizon.)



Locator map was super easy in Datawrapper.


  1. Hi John, is the “Depth below ground surface” measured in metres or feet? Thanks, Christian

  2. Feet, Christian, thanks for pointing that out, fixed it on Datawrapper. Which makes stuff like that easy to fix!

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