Correction (update?): As of Friday, March 25, 2016, it’s now not likely to rain in March after all.
Correction (update?): It might rain after all!
In 1934, the official Albuquerque weather station received 0.04 inches of rain in February and 0.01 in March.
This year, we received 0.05 in February. So far, we’ve gotten just a trace of precipitation in March. The latest forecast model runs suggest we are likely to get no more.
Weather records before the 1930s for Albuquerque get a bit sketchy. The official tally recorded just a trace of precipitation in February and March of 1902, and there are a few years for which we don’t have complete records. But it’s fair to say that we are on track to have one of the most depressingly dry February-March’s since people began measuring and writing stuff down.
update: I missed 2011 when I wrote this, which was also down in this same cellar, with 0.04 in February and just a trace in March.
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