I’ve got the sad honor today of writing an obituary for Cliff Crawford, the retired University of New Mexico biologist for whom the word “beloved” carries only a fraction of the baggage that it should.

Courtesy Albuquerque Journal
Cliff’s the dean of the dean of the bosque biologists, a group who study and love the riparian strip along the Rio Grande through New Mexico’s midsection. His academic children – K-12, undergrads, graduate students – are thick in this town, reifying the cliche about one’s work living after.
More over at the work blog, and in tomorrow’s newspaper. Services tomorrow (Wed. 9/7), and I’m told Bosque School, which was integral in Cliff’s educational work, is pulling together an event in October to honor Cliff’s legacy.
The knowledge and his own sweet nature that Dr. Crawford shared with us will remain in our hearts forever.