Water and Your Stock Portfolio

Corporations are doing a poor job of incorporating water variability risk into the disclosures they make to stockholders, according to an analysis released this week by Ceres, an organization of environmental groups and investor advocates: Global water scarcity is one emerging risk that all companies should be focused on – and one about which investors …

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Here All Along I Thought It Was Climate Change….

Perhaps this explains Pat Mulroy’s recent travails: A court in drought-plagued Malawi has jailed a man accused of casting a spell that blocked rain from falling on his neighbour’s field, police say. The court sentenced Chikumbeni Mwanatheu, 35, to two months in prison with hard labour after he admitted a charge of witchcraft, police spokesman …

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Stuff I Wrote Elsewhere: On Weather and Climate

Over on the work blog, I’m hosting an impromptu exchange between Cristina Archer and Roger Pielke Sr. over the question of the extent to which the jet stream is moving north, potentially drying out the southwest, and the implications of the current year’s southern storm track for thinking about that hypothesis. (comments off here, comments …

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Chances of Extra Water for Mead Remain Low

The Bureau of Reclamation has tuned up its estimates of the chances of release of extra water to help Lake Mead, now putting them at one in four this year, according to an update published today (Wed. 2/10). The jargon here is “equalization,” which happens when there is enough extra water upstream in Lake Powell …

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Stuff I Wrote Elsewhere: The Udalls and Glen Canyon Dam

Following a trail of bread crumbs from James Lawrence Powell’s Dead Pool led me to the tale of Tom Udall’s trip down Glen Canyon with his dad as a boy (sub/ad req). Udall, now a U.S. Senator from New Mexico, is the son of former Arizona congressman and Kennedy-Johnson Interior Secretary Stewart Udall: Glen Canyon …

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Water Quote of the Week

George Knapp on the Southern Nevada Water Authority, the agency that supplies Las Vegas (Nev.) with water: Cockroaches have nothing on the water authority. Both would survive nuclear winter. A giant asteroid could wipe out half the globe, and the authority would march into the crater to file for water rights.

The End of Joshua Trees?

As a native Southern Californian with a deep attachment to its deserts, this paper is just heartbreaking. Lesley DeFalco of the USGS and colleagues describe the effect of variable climate extremes and wildfire in the last decade on populations of desert plants, most especially Yucca brevifolia – the Joshua Tree: Accentuated ENSO episodes and more …

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Powell Inflow Forecast Down

The median forecast for flows on the upper Colorado River, out this morning, is 5.8 million acre feet, 73 percent of normal. That is down 400,000 acre feet from a month ago, and represents a continued reduction in the probability that there will be extra water upstream to pass down to replenish Lake Mead. Flows …

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