What Kind of Drought is South Texas Having?

There are supply droughts, where the amount of rain falling from the sky drops precipitously, and the amount of water evaporating from plants and transpiring from their leaves, rises. And there are demand droughts, where the main problem is not in the supply of water nature offers, but in the way we use it. The …

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Caring About Water

When an organization dedicated to the world’s water problems conducts a survey that concludes people care a lot about the world’s water problems, it’s good to accept the results with some caution. That caveat notwithstanding, the results of this survey are nevertheless not surprising: The survey, commissioned by Circle of Blue and conducted by Toronto …

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Stuff I Wrote Elsewhere: Albuquerque’s Sewage Reclamation

Albuquerque’s on the brink of New Mexico’s largest sewage reclamation project, taking 2,500 acre feet per year of water from the city’s wastewater treatment plant outflow and using it to water parks and golf courses. All well and good. Sounds like a great idea to put wasted water to use. But, as I tried to …

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California Drought

Via NASA’s Earth Observatory, MODIS view of California’s central valley. The brown, blocky bits are areas where agricultural land, which would usually be growing this time of year, lies fallow. Click through to see it big:

The Must Read Western Water Blog

If you’re interested in western (US) water, you almost certainly already read Emily Green. If you’re not, you must: “DOES anyone think Southern Nevada [Water Authority] is going to build a $15 billion pipeline and then let somebody turn it off?” — Snake Valley  rancher Cecil Garland, pictured above center.

Stuff I Wrote Elsewhere

Oil industry behind “energy citizens rallies” The U.S. oil industry’s main lobbying organization is behind a series of “energy citizens rallies” against pending climate change legislation, including two in New Mexico later this month, according to a memo obtained by the environmental group Greenpeace. “We don’t want critics to know our game plan,” American Petroleum …

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sublimity perhaps unparalleled in any part of the world

When U.S. Army Lt. J.C. Ives explored the lower reaches of the Colorado River in 1857-58, he made careful efforts to record as much of what he saw and learned as possible, “it being doubtful whether any party will ever again pursue the same line of travel.” Ives wrote: The region explored after leaving the …

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