It’s Vegas, Baby

I don’t know if anyone else reads this stuff, or if we’re just talking to one another, but a quartet of the waterbloggers piled on a today on the Vegas (Nev.) water situation. The back story involves Southern Nevada water impresario Pat Mulroy, who wants to bring water across the state to feed her growing city’s growingness.

First there’s Zetland:

Why didn’t she raise prices and balance supply and demand in Vegas? Because she’s pro-growth (developers), pro-engineering (the third straw into Lake Mead and pipeline will cost ratepayers a LOT), and pro-power (for herself).

If she raised prices 5 years ago, her job would have been boring. No headlines. Just quiet competence.

Emily Green, who has the history, riffs off of Zetland:

But from the beginning, Mulroy has argued doom for Southern Nevada if her pipeline isn’t built. “You’re going to live Amman, Jordan. You’re going to get water once a week,” was the latest outburst, made in demanding that her board at the Southern Nevada Water Authority give her an up or down vote on the project next week.

“I”ve been to Amman — it DOES have water in the fire hydrants and 24/7 water pressure, so she’s full of sh*t,” writes Zetland.

Over at the work blog, I’m acting all relieved that New Mexico is upstream from Vegas:

Brad Udall, who does western water policy research out of the University of Colorado, likes to quote an old western water saying: “I’d rather be upstream with a shovel and a ditch than downstream with a decree.”

At times like these, we New Mexicans can be glad we’re upstream from Las Vegas, Nevada. Next week, the board of the Southern Nevada Water Authority, which provides Vegas with water, has been asked to take an up-or-down vote on whether to build a massive pipeline to important groundwater from a rural area area 300 miles away.

To sum it all up, the scholarly Michael Campana.


  1. I certainly read it. What seems “regional” today can always expand tomorrow to include the rest of us. Especially since I live in Texas, and this involves water…

  2. Pingback: Mulroy, Mulholland and Muddle | 1800blogger

  3. Pingback: Mulroy, Mulholland and Muddle | Conservation Blog

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