
I have the opportunity to visit the old European city of Stockholm later this month for an interesting workshop (more on this later) and I’ve managed to build in a few extra days to play. Any suggestions on things to see?

Rearranging the deck chairs on the western water Titanic

With all of the water in the western United States spoken for, there’s an increasingly common problem in water policy and politics discussions in which a seemingly simple solution to a water problem in fact just creates a different problem somewhere else. An article in the March/April Southwest Hydrology from my old stomping grounds of …

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The Grand Canyon’s Newest Rapids

Henry Brean has a story in this morning’s Las Vegas Review-Journal on the mess at the upper end of Lake Mead where the Colorado River used to empty out into a lake, dumping its sediment. Now that the lake level’s dropped, the river’s cutting back down through all that deposited glop, creating a new rapids: …

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