Stuff I Wrote Elsewhere: Solar Power Edition

New Mexico State regulators approve expansion of rooftop solar incentives:

New Mexico regulators Tuesday approved a major expansion of the state’s solar energy program, including provisions for solar installations on Albuquerque businesses.
“We’re going to see a flowering of solar in this state,” said Jason Marks, a member of the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission.
Under the program, residents and businesses are encouraged to put solar panels on theirroofs, generating electricity that they can use or put back onto the electric grid for use by others.

See also Doug Mattson’s take in the Santa Fe New Mexican (yay diverse local press!).


  1. John:

    Great story, nice that it was a slow news day so that the solar story could find a place in the paper.

    Lost in the drama surrounding the PV incentive programs was the fact that yesterday, the PRC also approved the contract for New Mexico’s first solar thermal plant, a 64 MW project to be developed by eSolar for El Paso Electric Co. I even forgot to mention it to you when we spoke. eSolar and its power tower approach are not as well established as the trough plant that PNM is pursuing, so this project has some risk of not getting done, but I think it’s more likely than not. If and when it comes online, it will produce about 10x as much electricity as all the distributed generation we expect to see in response to yesterday’s expanded PV incentives.

  2. Pingback: Posts about Solar Incentives as of April 1, 2009 | Atlas Solar Solutions

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