Stuff I Wrote Elsewhere

On geo-engineering: In pursuing the idea, Wingenter is entering a scientific-political minefield— the field of what is called “geo-engineering.” The most widely discussed geo-engineering proposal, pushed by Lowell Wood of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, involves a fleet of jets spewing aerosols that would deflect the sun’s rays, cooling the planet in the process. …

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Water in the Desert: Thorny Devil Edition

While we’re busy building pipelines to northern Nevada and figuring out how to desalinate brackish groundwater, a desert lizard called the “thorny devil” has opted for a simpler approach, according to a news piece in Science by Greg Miller: They discovered that the hinges contain tubelike channels about the width of one or two human …

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Drought: The Supply and Demand Question

The latest drought monitor notes the current state of our reservoirs here in the western U.S.: Despite the summer showers, many Western reservoirs remained unusually low, signaling ongoing hydrological drought.  At the end of July, reservoir storage stood at 82 percent of average for this time of year in Arizona.  Storage ranged from roughly two-thirds …

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Water in the Desert: Cocoposts Edition

Mike Campana seems to be channeling Coco in this post about Las Vegas: It may be time to tie land use planning directly to water planning. The subject is Las Vegas, which is running out of water. Or, more accurately, is running into more people. There’s plenty of water for fewer people. The subject is …

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walkscore Originally uploaded by heinemanfleck. Via the Google Maps Mania blog, the entertaining (and potentially useful) Walkscore web site. Input your address and they score your neighborhood’s walkability and tell you about bookstores and libraries nearby that you’d never heard of, and bistros that are closed.

I’m Jimmy Carl Black, the Indian of the Group

Back in the summer of ’78, my friend John Colton visited me in L.A. It was his first visit, and while we were there, he made sure we drove around Beverly Hills, looking for jockeys on rick people’s lawns. Dweezil and the gang played Uncle Reemus at last night’s Zappa Plays Zappa Plays Zappa gig …

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