Second Flowering

On the heels of Europe’s remarkable summer of 2003, last autumn and winter were anomalously warm – as much as three standard deviations from normal, likely the warmest in 500 years, according to Luterbacher et. al in GRL. ((Exceptional European warmth of autumn 2006 and winter 2007: Historical context, the underlying dynamics, and its phenological …

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Ocean Variability in the Models

A group of climate modelers at Lawrence Livermore and elsewhere has taken issue (in the peer-reviewed literature) with an argument made by Roger Pielke Sr. and others that the models cannot adequately explain variability in ocean temperatures: Using simulations of 20th century climate performed with 13 numerical models, we demonstrate that the apparent discrepancy between …

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What’s Up With The Birds?

The Audubon Society got a lot of media traction last week with its report on Birds in Decline. But Michael Tobis has sussed out a problem: The number of species increasing in abundance exceeds the number in decline!!! As Michael pointed out in a followup post: Reason requires fair attention to evidence. It is necessary …

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Bikes on the train

Bikes on the train Originally uploaded by bhaskins1. The photographer known as bhaskins1 offers up some great evidence that Albuquerque is warming to the idea of throwing its collective bicycle on the train for its morning commute. . (Check out the other bike photos taken by bhaskins1.)

Stuff I Wrote Elsewhere

My attempt at sketching in the background behind the House Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee’s proposed cuts in the U.S. nuclear weapons program: Nuclear weapons spending has long seemed an entitlement for New Mexico. With two of the nation’s three nuclear weapons laboratories located here, a big chunk of the U.S. nuclear weapons budget is …

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