ACA sticker

ACA sticker Originally uploaded by heinemanfleck. With three large projects going simultaneously in addition to the day job, I’ve been a bit oversubscribed lately, so I’ve been getting a lot of my bike time indoors on a trainer. It allows me to multi-task, getting some reading done while I exercise. And I do enjoy it. …

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Radioactive animal carcasses

I’m crossposting this from the NukeBeat because I think it would be insanely cool to be the number one result when you google “radioactive animal carcasses”, and this blog has more googlejuice. No, that’s not an early ’80s British punk band. It’s the amusingly grotesque harvest of a nuclear waste cleanup project at Hanford: Carcasses …

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Peak Oil

One of my favorite science journalists, Alex Witze, had an excellent recent piece in Nature on peak oil (sub. req.). It’s a terrific bit of work because of the thoughtful way Witze embraces the uncertainty, explaining to us why smart and reasonable people disagree about this issue, rather than trying to tell us which answer …

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Quote of the Day

“Life is easy. Showbiz is hard.” – Bill Griffith update: OK, this is really amusing, the way the Zippy picture stretches down to the entry about drought in the west. Pray with Zippy!

Here is a moose

mooseOriginally uploaded by heinemanfleck. When I was much younger, I wrote, under the non de plume Fernando Schwartz, A Poem of Nature: The flowers and the trees The sky and the birds Look at the buffalo Traveling in herds. Nora’s recent post-it art seems a fine illustration.

U.S. Precipitation, Last 90 Days

U.S. Precipitation, Last 90 Days Precipitation Originally uploaded by heinemanfleck. This is not the U.S. precipitation pattern you expect in an El NiƱo winter. Here in Albuquerque, we’re living under a bit of an illusion, with the fourth storm since Christmas currently snowing east and north of us and clouds and a threat of rain …

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