A Greenhouse Calculation

Here’s a lazyweb word problem: John rides his bicycle to work, thus saving a half gallon (1.9 liters) of gasoline, consuming 700 calories in the process. If John replaces those calories by eating beef, what is the net reduction (increase?) in greenhouse gas emissions? If he gets the calories from soy protein? Etc? (Ideally, the …

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Giant Scissors Update

Peter Rice in the Albuquerque Tribune today today has an upate on the Albuquerque giant scissors phenomenon: For official ribbon cuttings, Kerby Moore had been borrowing a jumbo-sized pair of scissors from the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce, but those events are becoming so frequent that she’s ordering her own.

Albuquerque Transportation Center

Albuquerque Transportation Center Originally uploaded by Malcolm Tredinnick. I never got around to blogging Malcolm’s visit to Albuquerque and other bits of our great land. It was lovely to finally meet face to face after years of one of those bit-driven relationships. He’s posted his pictures from his trip, and his caption on this one …

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Bee Clue Candy

Bee Clue CandyOriginally uploaded by heinemanfleck. Do you need some refreshment in your weariness? The only way of knowing the interest just by experiencing. Storage method: avoid the sunlight (Hat tip The Mother of The Boy, who has serious goofball cred.)

TV Haiku

They are ritualized art, the movie summaries in the daily TV listings – usually less than 10 words to summarize an entire film. Today’s favorite: Patton: Gen. George S. Patton fights World War II.

Quacks in the Internet Age

The Internet has made it too easy to be a quack. In my desk drawer at work, I have a wonderful collection of old UFO nuttiness from the early 1990s. It’s wonderful stuff – wildly imaginative zines full of poor writing, even poorer graphical presentation and absolutely wonderfully muddy thinking. Back in the day, you …

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