The Blogging/Scholarship/Media Interplay

This story got me thinking about what I think has become an increasingly interesting interplay between blogging scholars and journalists. It quotes Jeffrey Lewis, proprietor of the excellent Arms Control Wonk blog and manager of the Managing the Atom Project at the Belfer Center. Reporters depend on smart people willing and able to explain things. …

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reading: Linda Cordell’s Archaeology of the Southwest. This is one of those standards that you’re supposed to have lying around to refer to, but who actually reads these? (I am, actually. Great overview of what’s known.) music: Stevie Ray Vaughn and Dick Dale doing Pipeline. Do they have waves in Texas? bonus extra track: Don …

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Drought Perception and Reality

Expectations are as much a part of drought as is climatological reality. Take this LA Times story: CANTON, Texas — The effects of a long, stubborn drought are everywhere here: in the parched, wasted fields and the bony cows nosing the dirt for nonexistent grass; in the cracks splitting stone-hard earth and the worried faces …

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