The Old Schwartzman Property

Schwartzman Originally uploaded by heinemanfleck. Richard Metcalf’s story in Thursday’s Journal spurred me to ride down past the old Schwartzman property this morning, down in Albuquerque’s South Valley. It’s 500 acres of land, much of it still farmed, dating back somewhere into Albuquerque’s distant past when farming was what we did. According to Richard’s story, …

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The Immigrant Threat to our Way of Life

Dr. Swamp Cooler today speaks bravely about the threat posed by immigrants to our way of life: The decision to issue Swamp Cooler Photo ID cards was made unavoidable due to the influx of migrants (California, Ohio, Illinois, Texas, etc.) who come to New Mexico with alien notions of air conditioning that have become a …

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On the Radio

If you’re in Albuquerque, you can catch me on the radio this afternoon at 2, talking with Kim Johnson and Dave Thomas of New Mexicans for Science and Reason. We’ll be talking about science journalism. Or something. I’m not sure exactly what, but I trust Kim and Dave to ask some sort of useful questions.

Journalism, Hurricanes and Climate Change

Alex Witze has an excellent news piece in Nature this week summing up the back-and-forth on the hurricane-global warming link. It shows the debate leaning in the direction of those arguing for a link, but also suggests how currently unsettled the issue is, and why. I think she gets it just about right. Over in …

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A correspondent poses an interesting question about the usability of RSS feeds for non-geeks. I love RSS, but the way I use it is completely geeky, so I’m probably a bad test case. If you’re reading this blog via an RSS feed, how are you doing it? What sort of software interface are you using, …

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