On Line Leadership

Luis reminded me the other day of one of the few smart insights I’ve ever had: the notion that in the free software world, a free-for-all of self-organizing social systems, “evolution” of a sort selects for nice people. Commenters at the time (rightly, I think) complained that “nice” was a bit “self-patting.” Jeff Waugh worked …

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An “Emerging Consensus”, part XVI

Interesting comment from Kevin Vranes that’s worth pulling out onto the front page. The question is whether there’s really an “emerging consensus” on the hurricane-global warming link. Kevin’s privy to discussion not visible to us plebes: I still have to say that after watching the emails fly on the tropical cyclones email list over the …

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Overshadowed by Hurricanes

As a student of drought, I can’t help but feel a little sheepishly overshadowed by hurricanes – I think it was Steve Bloom who coined the description “charismatic megaweather.”So I was happy to see none other than Jeff Masters, the Weather Underground hurricane guy, recognize drought’s importance in his review of the Al Gore movie, …

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reading: My goofball daughter gave me The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster for Father’s Day. Way better than a barbecue, frankly. climate news: Sergey Zimov of the Russian Academy and colleagues have a paper in Friday’s Science arguing that the potential for carbon loss from permafrost has been underestimated. That’s another “plus” feedback: “Factors …

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But Wait, There’s More!

For the low, low price of a morning newspaper you also get my take on whether or not you can expect a good southwestern monsoon this year. The succinct answer? Dunno…. There are forecasters in the National Weather Service’s Albuquerque office who have never seen a really juicy monsoon. You know the kind— towering late-afternoon …

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