On Hockey Sticks and Glaciers

The news media coverage last week of the NRC “hockey stick” report provides a stark reminder of the point Dan Sarewitz made in his How science makes environmental controversies worse. While everyone prattled on about whether the hockey stick is now really broken, or the handle has been properly taped back together, or whatever, last …

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Wish I’d Thought of That

A friend points to one of the great baseball names, Twins’ rookie picture pitcher Boof Bonser. According to the MLB web site, the former Florida high school star had his name legally changed in 2001 from “John”. (Thanks to copy editor Malcolm.)

Threats to Water Supplies in the Tropical Andes

Raymond Bradley has a paper in tomorrow’s Science[1] laying out the significant threats to water supplies in the Andes as a result of global climate change. This is the sort of thing Roger Pielke Sr. wisely argues that we need – a better understanding of climate change effects on a regional scale “focused on regional …

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