Nat Cobb

In my other blog I linked yesterday to an account written by Nat Cobb of his cross country Tour of Hope adventure. I promised Dano I’d run down the story I wrote last fall about Nat. Here it is.

RS 2477

I’ve been following lately my friend Mark Boslough’s battles over RS 2477, an old federal law that is at the center of some pretty important land fights in the western United States. In Mark’s case, off-roaders with giant-tired four-wheel drive vehicles have claimed RS 2477 rights to drive their vehicles up a creek bed on …

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The Pentagon on Climate Change

Kevin Drum pointed his browser yesterday evening at this article in the Observer and then helpfully shared the results with us: Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters.. A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The …

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Nukes and Climate

The new head of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation makes an increasingly familiar argument – that nuclear power is a viable option for generating energy in the face of greenhouse-induced climate change: “If one believes the European Union projections . . . nuclear power will come back as the world starts moving towards …

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