October 29, 2005
Inkstain Administrivia

There was a great house ad that they ran on the front page of the South Pasadena Review once years ago when I lived there that had the phone number for you to call if you didn't get your paper. It occurred to me that if I didn't get the paper, I wouldn't have had the number to call.

With that in mind, I'm posting now to explain that, if all goes well this evening, this blog will be converted to WordPress (so William and Ken can post comments). The practical importance of this is that those of you reading via RSS feeds will need to point to a new location. I'll attempt to keep the old links working via a symlinks, but given my modest technical abilities, if you see posting on this blog drop to zero, you might wanna check your feed, as it is very unlikely that I simply had nothing to say.

If, on the other hand, you've been looking for an excuse to drop my feed, now's your chance.

Posted by John Fleck at October 29, 2005 03:30 PM