September 12, 2005

book: "Water and the West," by Norris Hundley, a history of the development of the Colorado River Compact. I'm trying to understand who understood what, and when, about the nature of drought and its implications in the arid southwest. (The answers may be "no one" and "never," which would help explain the fix we seem to be in.)

more reading: Global Water Resources: Vulnerability from Climate Change and Population Growth, from Science, July 2000. Its point is that, much like the discussions of hurricanes and climate change of late, it's growing human population, not global warming, that is the driving variable in understanding the potential future impacts of drought.

music: The Bonnie Raitt Collection. I've got this riff to write about Bonnie Raitt and Casablanca, and the nature of carefully executed craft. (It's one of those blog items I've thought through enough times on bike rides or while driving to work that I'm always amazed that I've never written it down.) Suffice it to say that I can always return to this album or that movie and never be disappointed. And if I were not happily married, I might chuck it all and follow Ms. Raitt from town to town, listening to her music and hoping against all hope to bump into her in the hotel lobby.

the bike: There is a simple pleasure in washing down the bikes.

code: It's never as simple as I think. I've run up against the IE/Win Unscrollable Content Bug. Must .... test .... more .... browsers....

Posted by John Fleck at September 12, 2005 07:47 PM