June 19, 2005
60 degrees

Thanks for all the kind notes. It's odd how this blog thing has created an extended community of folks I've never met face to face.

The knee is still swollen, but it's moving a lot better now, and I've got a lot more energy. The question is now to use it, what with only one functioning leg and all. Books, I guess. FInished Daniel Coyle's new Lance Armstrong book, which is a ripping good read. My buddy Paul yesterday brought over Jane Leavy's Koufax book, which shows great promise, a trip back to my youth in LA.

The knee bender contraption is up to 60 degrees flexion. Doc says I need 70 as quickly as possibly. PT says 110 to ride the bike.

Posted by John Fleck at June 19, 2005 11:20 AM