April 14, 2005

Cycling: Played hooky from work, allowing a leisurely ride in the bosque. My right knee's a bit tender, so "leisurely" was a must.

Baseball: There was a moment during the sixth inning this afternoon at the ballpark when Paul leaned over to ask if I'd ever seen a shutout here. I'm pretty sure the answer is no. The score at the time was Omaha 9, Albuquerque 0. Not to worry. It's AAA ball at 5,000 feet elevation. The pitching's, uh, uneven, and the ball flies outta there. Final: Omaha 10, Albuquerque 6.

Reading: I've been fascinated by the back-and-forth between Roger Pielke Jr. and the RealClimate guys over at Prometheus about the role the RealClimatists are playing. See especially this discussion. I've been thinking about what it might mean for my role as a journalist. More to come.

Garden: Weeds much the fewer out by the driveway.

Posted by John Fleck at April 14, 2005 09:10 PM