July 25, 2004
Sister Mary, Strong of Spirit

While we celebrate Lance Armstrong's victory today in the Tour de France, it's worth a moment to reflect on the story of Sister Mary Andrew Matesich:

Her doctor suggested that she consider entering a clinical trial, in which she would receive an experimental treatment. The idea intrigued her. "I am a scientist myself," she said in an interview. "I have a Ph.D. in chemistry. The scientist in me was interested."

The idea that she could help to advance research appealed to her intellectually, but in a religious way as well. "As a sister, a member of a religious order, someone in a service capacity my whole life, I want to continue to be of service to others," she said, adding, "I wouldn't be alive today if other women hadn't been in clinical trials."

Sister Mary is as good a reason as there is to wear yellow.

Posted by John Fleck at July 25, 2004 09:13 PM