July 21, 2004
Living Strong

This email from Byron Poland made my day.

I too have a yellow rubber bad with the words LIVESTRONG etched in it. I wear it for my mother who has survived lung cancer (removal of one lobe)and 5 years later brain cancer, 1 brain surgery, 4 weeks of radiation and 1 dose of stereotactic radiation. The radiation cooked most of her hair permanently, and she goes around proudly with her bald head (i'm growing up to match her well). She has lived through a second brain cancer scare just last year, that required another brain surgery! She is by far the strongest person I know, and no she can't climb the Alps,or the Appalachian Trail for that matter, but she is alive and Living Strong. Lance is a huge motivation to thousands and thousands who have had to live through cancer. I wear a yellow rubber band to remind me I really don't have it so bad.

Posted by John Fleck at July 21, 2004 08:36 PM