July 05, 2004
Riding the Fourth

Spent the morning yesterday on the mountains on a bike.

Next Saturday is the Oak Flat Road Race, and I wanted to pre-ride the course so I had some idea. It's a little less than two miles through the mountains, all ups and downs but not terribly steep and a beautiful course. It's a little less than 13 miles. I'm in the E race, so I'll do it just twice.

I went with my weather-geek buddy Charlie. We've known one another for years, but never ridden together, and it was fun. He brought along Jeff, a youngster who works with him. Charlie's an old road bike racer, and he's done Oak Flat before, so he was showing us the course. I was figuring we would need to be a bit gentle for Jeff, who is new to cycling, but he was strong as a horse - no worries there. He kept dropping Charlie and I and then waiting for us to catch up.

Posted by John Fleck at July 05, 2004 10:00 AM