May 11, 2004
What I Blog About

Since not everyone clicks through, I thought (at the risk of reviving the John Malkovich debate) I'd pull Stephen's thoughtful comments out here:


Do you know that your blog is posted on

The reason I say that is because for the past few months I've been reading it and I've yet to see you mention anything -even remotely- related to gnome. If your not going to blog about gnome fine, but don't make the rest of us read it.


Just FYI, Stephen, this has been a point of some contention in the past. I don't run Planet GNOME, so I'm not really in a position to do something about your problem one way or the other, except perhaps to point out that there is a separate RSS feed for my free software-related posts.

Posted by John Fleck at May 11, 2004 02:23 PM


for one I love reading your non-gnome-related posts. Keep it up :)


Posted by: Ian McKellar on May 11, 2004 02:57 PM

You're the reason I keep reading Planet Gnome.

Posted by: Marcus on May 11, 2004 03:52 PM

John, you're writings are great and I hope they stay on Planet Gnome.
I'll just echo what Jordi said. Keep it up.

Posted by: Jeff Hodges on May 11, 2004 05:16 PM

It's the minority of people who only want to read GNOME things on planet GNOME. It's really a place where the community can keep in touch, and as part of the community, I hope you keep blogging.

Your blog is one of the more interesting ones anyway :)

Posted by: Andrew Sobala on May 12, 2004 06:17 AM

FWIW, your posts have always been the very interesting to me. Not that you need encouragement to keep posting, it was their decision to include your blog. I just hope they don't switch over to your free-software only feed. I would have never learned of Cinco de Warmup if that were the case.

Posted by: Mikey Cooper on May 12, 2004 07:26 AM

John, I can only echo the above support. The great thing about the Planet phenomenon is that the disparate group of developers who work together daily but get to meet only once or twice a year (if they are lucky) get to understand what motivates and inspries their colleagues.

All power to your blogging (and naturally, cycling) muscles...

Posted by: Mike Newman on May 12, 2004 01:01 PM