March 15, 2004
Open Access University Press

Kudos to Cornell University for the launch of the Open Access University Press. University press-type books will be made freely available on line, and can be purchased through on-demand publishing. This leverages technology to perform the function university presses were always intended to achieve - making high-quality academic information available to the people who need it. Unlike commercial publishing, most university press publishing is primarily about getting the work out there to the tiny, non-profitable audience that needs it. This has the potential to do that.

Books published by academic university presses tend to have a narrow audience. Interestingly, in the Internet-First model, authors do not receive advance royalties, but are paid when each print on- demand copy is ordered. "Faculty members value having their scholarship read, and the Open Access approach provides immediate, worldwide access," says Cooke. "Our first authors are all distinguished faculty with no need to build up their résumés. They have no pressing financial need or were smart enough to know they weren't going to get much money anyway."

It's hard to imagine a very large audience for the Cornell Guide to Growing Fruit at Home, but that's the whole point, eh?

Posted by John Fleck at March 15, 2004 07:49 AM

Actually, the fruit growing guide is very interesting! (At least for someone who can't wait to get enough land to start planting his own fruit trees...)

But maybe it's a function of geography. I think the data in that publication would apply well to Michigan. Not so well to, say, New Mexico. :)


Posted by: Zach Frey on March 16, 2004 11:26 AM

A light purse makes a heavy heart. (c)

Posted by: Tristram on June 13, 2004 03:35 PM