February 27, 2004
In Which I Contribute to Free Software

So in honor of Luis' birthday, yesterday I closed a bug.

And we're not talking about something cheap and easy, like using the dupfinder to zap one away. No, this bug required me to actually apply a patch. (OK, it was a patch submitted by a user, but still....)

Happy birthday, Luis.

update 2/29: In which I update based on Malcolm's helpful proofreading

Posted by John Fleck at February 27, 2004 07:44 AM

... rather than to proof-reading? :-)

Surely you meant "In which I contribute...". The problem with Google is that one's typos are immortalised [strangely, I initially typed that as "immoralised", which my is more along the lines of my grandmother's approach to errors of this nature] if they are not corrected.

Posted by: Malcolm Tredinnick on February 28, 2004 01:51 AM