February 03, 2004
More Stuff What I Wrote Elsewhere

My book review of 100 Suns.

Mushroom cloud from Moke, the first H-bomb

That's the "Mike" shot, the first hydrogen bomb - arguably a very important moment in history.

Posted by John Fleck at February 03, 2004 08:18 AM

the history of US nuclear testing contradicts colin powell's one-time remarks that the US asks nothing of places it "liberates" other than a small plot to bury the dead.

seems on occasion the US will also vaporize parts of these liberated places.

Posted by: bjc on February 3, 2004 09:24 AM

It is somewhat misleading to call "Mike" a bomb. It was actually a small cluster of buildings. Would have taken a barge to delever it to the enemy.

Posted by: Jim on February 3, 2004 01:42 PM