January 05, 2004
Color Coding

It was a little thing, but I finally some color coding to make the libxml API docs a bit more readable. DV's new docs build system has proven more robust and easier to work with than the old way it was done, but we lost color coding that helped break up the page and improve readability.

I haven't been doing much free software work lately, but what time I've had I've been spending on the libxml/libxslt docs. With Shaun at the helm, the GNOME docs system seems totally under control, and doesn't need any of my attention. I'll have to spend a bit of time there as the 2.6 release gets closer, but I feel so free not having to spend a lot of time on CVS build chores just to see where things stand. They stand fine.

Posted by John Fleck at January 05, 2004 07:13 AM