December 20, 2003
Connected Intelligence

Note to self: read this:

Francisco Varela's concept of intelligence is crucial for the understanding of CI. Varela argues that intelligence, is inter-subjective, embodied and the result of the circulation of ideas, language and thought between people (Varela, 1991; see also Vygotsky, 1978). That is, it is social intelligence, or group intelligence, rather than individual intelligence that is the norm. In such a framework Connected Intelligence, especially in its face-to-face version, is the best tool to enhance what is, per se, a natural process. By creating social environments which are favourable to the circulation and discussion of ideas CI enhances and connects the bodies, and knowledge of the participants. As Derrick de Kerckhove suggested (private communication): "It isn't thought that is interior language, it is language that is externalized thought shared by many minds".

(Second note to self: don't forget to read Smart Mobs.)

Posted by John Fleck at December 20, 2003 09:11 AM