August 18, 2003
Male Ego

The official results of the Double Eagle Time Trial are up, and I'm pleased to point out that I didn't come in last in my age group. I do not know Blake Osburn, but can only assume he had a flat tire.

Bicycling is very much a matter of style. I do not have any. In addition to quads of steel, one must have brightly colored clothing and a disk wheel to play with the coolest of the kids, so I had to very much swallow my male ego to be out there at all. I would like to say I'm above all that, that I was blithely unconcerned about the fact that I was riding a heavy old steel frame in a carbon fiber world, but I'd be lying. Still, I was able to ignore enough of my "I'm not cool" to get out and do it, and if they were racing this week I'd do it again.

Posted by John Fleck at August 18, 2003 09:43 PM

Looking at the results, some events had more starts than riders. Are there some crazies who go around more than once?

Posted by: Malcolm Tredinnick on August 21, 2003 07:46 PM

I'm not positive, but I was thinking the same thing. (Both that people must have been riding the course twice, and that they were "crazies".)

Posted by: John Fleck on August 22, 2003 08:12 PM