August 17, 2003
GNOME 2.4 Diaries

There's a photographer I work with named Richard who has this routine when we go out together on a story. He'll work quickly, as soon as we get there, to get something in his camera that will work. So if the whole thing collapses, he won't go home empty handed - we'll have something to put in the paper. Once he's got something, he keeps working, but you can see him relax a little bit. I've learned from him the value of getting something quick that will work into my notebook. The first thing may not be the best thing, but once you've got it you can relax and work the thing, knowing that if you the situation goes south on you, you won't go home empty handed.

That's the way I feel about the GNOME 2.4 release notes. I'm not relaxed yet, but I'm close. A section on accessibility improvements, some notes on the improvements to the control center, some screenshot magic from Jeff and we'll have something publishable. Not great, but then I can relax and work on making it sing.

I'm not used to it taking this long to get the first shot in the camera.

Posted by John Fleck at August 17, 2003 09:02 PM