July 31, 2003
GNOME 2.4 diaries

My solicitation for themes for the GNOME 2.4 release notes has yielded a singularly lackluster discussion, which in and of itself is illustrative. But a few possible slogans have emerged from the hurly-burly:

  • GNOME 2.4: Closer to Being Ready for the Enterprise
  • GNOME 2.4: Accessibility Support Has Improved
  • GNOME 2.4: We Fixed a Lot of Bugs

But perhaps I'm just feeling cynical.

Posted by John Fleck at July 31, 2003 09:25 PM

I think you are being a tad cynical. The most visible improvements are the multimedia applications which have matured since 2.2. Totem, Rhythmbox, and gstreamer have all matured. We've added Epiphany to the multimedia mix too. I haven't entered this discussion, but I think the slogan should be:

Gnome 2.4: The Complete Desktop
Gnome 2.4: The Multimedia Desktop
Gnome 2.4: The Desktop That Rocks
Gnome 2.4: Rock, Work, and Surf

Posted by: Eric Baudais on July 31, 2003 11:31 PM

Yes, there are a lot of improvements as well as a lot of bugfixes, and new appls too. It just takes a while to gather the information together.

But rhythmbox isn't part of the GNOME Desktop, and totem/gstreamer is still in doubt, so gstreamer improvements might not be very visible.

Posted by: Murray Cumming on August 1, 2003 01:14 AM

I didn't mean to be dissing 2.4 either. It was just such a funny discussion. Every time one person suggested a theme ("enterprise", "a11y", etc.), someone else would shoot it down. However we word things, I think the suggestion is that there is no drama with this release, just a lot of really good incremental improvements.

Posted by: John Fleck on August 1, 2003 09:19 AM

"Gnome 2.4: A Solid Foundation for Gnome 2.6."


Posted by: Matt Brubeck on August 1, 2003 01:14 PM

I always liked "So powerful, you could skip a day" as a slogan... there's a generator out there, although I've lost the URl...

Posted by: verbal on August 4, 2003 01:40 PM

Found it: http://thesurrealist.co.uk/slogan

There's First Love, and There's Gnome Love.

Posted by: John Fleck on August 5, 2003 08:54 AM