July 16, 2003
GNOME 2.4 Diaries

If I was truly a leet haxor I would know how to properly spell "leat hacksor", but at the very least I now know how to do a module release. Mikael Hallendal is otherwise occupied, and Shaun realized last night we really need to do a release of Yelp, what with Shaun having done a metric buttload of work on it that deserves testing. So after whining a bit in an unsuccessful attempt to get someone else to do a release, I found Mark Mc's guide to how to do a release, poked Jeff Waugh a few times on the tricky bits, and did it. I am 1337. Or something.

The most amazing bit? I actually had an account already on widget. And I actually remembered my password.

Posted by John Fleck at July 16, 2003 09:00 AM